Hotel phone in Iceland has a special button that will wake you up if there are northern lights in the sky.

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I actually think that if you press that button, the northern lights wake-up and turn on outside.

That would be the only time I would take a wake-up call

Nice. At a lodge I frequent, the night watchman will get you up if a hippo or leopard/something interesting walks through the lodge. Leave your porch light on if you want to be woken up.

This is the most necessary button, otherwise what was this journey for if you can sleep through everything.

“Hello Sir, the Aurora Borealis you’d requested to be reminded of is just outside. Press 1 to confirm receipt of this reminder. Press 2 to snooze the reminder for 9 minutes. Thank you”

Curious what the logistics are for monitoring for Aurora Borealis at the hotel? Is there a service that alerts them, is it a particular employee’s responsibility to check (bathroom cleaning log style), luck or do they wait for Principal Skinner to report it?

Aurora Borealis? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your hotel phone?

Wow this is amazing, I wish my hotel had this when I was in Iceland!

What if you want just some steamed hams?

What hotel is this?

I worked in Girdwood Alaska for 8 years we had this at the hotel

Can I just have an always on Northern Lights Wake-Up call? As someone who lives where there are never northern lights (except for the past year with the increased sun activity, and only really visible on phone camera) I would like this if at any point they’d be visible

Every hotel I stayed at when I was in Iceland offered to wake you up if the norther lights were active. Most of the time it was cloudy, but there was one night when it was clear and you could see them.

Judging by the button it’s to alert you of the northern lights leading you to the 3rd Dragonball.

Yes and it was a fantastic wake up call

Actually, that’s pretty awesome.


And that’s why I love Iceland (amongst many, MANY other reasons)

the symbol for it looks like hitler

Totally makes sense and may be why there.

I want that button here.

we’ve had good northern lights 4 times in the past 6 months, and I’ve missed every one, and have to look at photos and hear stories of everyone else who saw them.

You should order room service, I hear they steam a great ham.

Hotels in Indiana have a button to wake you up if the nearest scarecrow was sighted leaving its field and heading in your direction, so you can run off to the nearest Scarecrowproof Shelter. It’s a common problem.

Lateral listeners know

FYI I have an app on my phone for this and every fucking time it’s cloudy and you can’t see shit.

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