I’m actually surprised she’s performing for Trump. Did I just not know about her?

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Ooh NOW is the time for everyone to come together… Why not Four years ago

I’d rather they out themselves so I don’t spend money on them

Darn, now I’m going to have to continue to not listen to her music.

She’d better get paid beforehand.

I’m convinced he thinks she is Taylor Swift 

Lost all respect when she went on the anti vax trainwreck

Maybe she’ll surprise us by announcing “This one goes out to the First Lady” and then launching into “Before He Cheats.”

As an immigrant who loves music, it is funny to me saying the words unity and my entire family are scared of this man’s actions in the near future. He is not about unity.

she’s been a Republican forever (she openly supported Romney over Obama in 2012). Was hoping she was more of a Romney/McCain conservative as opposed to a Trumper though. Disappointed but not surprised

So we now know Carrie underwood hates America, supports Nazis, and supports rapists and felons and undermining the rule of law. Bad times.

Yeah – I don’t “come together” with fascists.

Her football song sucks.

“Jesus Make a Deal!!!!!

Give him my demands.

Cause I won’t do this pro bono!

I’m getting paid!

So give me that sweet dough

And save me from this financial low….

Jesus, make a deal!”

Well that’s disappointing. I don’t give a shit about country music, but she’s an undeniably talented vocalist. Sucks that she seems to be a shitty judge of character.

I’m not surprised at all. White bleach blonde botoxed country singer Jesus fanatic from Oklahoma? That has MAGA written all over it.

I just deleted all her music from my iPhone! That was easy.

Republicans love unity when Republicans win. Trump is a traitor, should be in jail. Stick your unity up your ass.

Another “Christian” who has no clue what is it to be a good person

She’s been trash for a few years now so this isn’t surprising

Cross another off the list.

Where the fuck was the unity and looking forward the past 4 years? These people are so fucking shameless

God damn it Willie needs to wake up and remind these fuckers that country music doesn’t stand for fascist bull shit.

>wants unity

>supports trump



Oh fuck, I’m just now realizing that if Kamela had won like she should have we could have had Taylor Swift *and* Beyonce performing at her inauguration! Even if you aren’t a Swiftie or a fan of Queen B, you’d have to admit that the spectacle would have been **epic!** Perfect for the first woman President of the United States!

Conservatives are *always* the reason why we can’t have nice things. They ruin *everything.*

Boo. Fuck Her

Her next single:
“Jesus, Write The Check”

How’d you not know?

She’s a white woman born in Oklahoma, went to a sorority, was discovered at a Baptist church before her music career kicked-off, and makes exclusively country music. This is basically 5 K’s in a line.

As a Black man—I can simply clock her bio and *know.*

Also, her name is Carrie. C’mon now.

“Unity,” 😂 the Cheeto threatened to pull California aid because we didn’t listen to him and politely ask the fires to please stop burning.. gtfoh 🤣

I’m not getting behind the felon traitor in the name of their ‘unity’. These fucking people, calling for unity while attacking California non-stop during a tragedy. FDJT and FMAGA.

Fuck that noise. Unity went out the door when the capitol was invaded.

You can expect a large number of very shitty ‘stars’ to suddenly ‘welcome’ their new overlords…

this is the era of short term gains and the weird inability to remember last week…

they’re hoping this train either won’t ever stop, or that folks will somehow forget they chose to side with Nazis.

I won’t forget.

We know now

Honored to sing for a convicted felon and man who is an antichrist. Isn’t it kind of sketchy for a pious xtian to be supporting an amoral and petty man.

Couldn’t have easy finding someone other than Kid Rock.

Carrie will forever be tarnished as the one who performed for Trump.

Oh you mean to tell me the pop country singer who has partnerships with the NFL is a lockstep conservative? I’m so surprised…


Why? She went to undergrad in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. She’s born and bred Red. Fuck her

Probably got a lot of nos before they got to her yes


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