Frontier Airlines has released a statement regarding Khabib being removed from their flight.

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All of this mess would have been avoided if Khabib simply rear naked choked her.

If they wanted him to move they could’ve just told him McGregor was outside on the tarmac with a dolly.

Frontier tap like chicken brotha

Flight Attendant: Sir are you able to assist in the event of an emergency?

Khabib: To be honest I didn’t understand your english you know you talk like stupid guy.

I mean this could be true. But it’s also exactly what I would say if I was an airline and there was no video of the initial interaction.

Frontier is a garbage airline

This numba 1 bullshit bratha

Even though it looks like we did everything wrong, we did everything right. We promise.

They Probably had no clue who he was 😂

This Bullshit bratha

Sure, except we all know that Khabib speaks English that is *more* than good enough for this simple interaction

The lady who told him to leave his seat literally said his English wasn’t the problem, but that said “she”, either referring to another employee or a passenger, was “uncomfortable” with him remaining by the emergency row seat…

Lots of problems here, “multiple attempts” is any number more than 1 (2, 5, 18, 73 those are all *multiple*)

Did Khabib have headphones on when they asked initially? And did he give a confused response at their second attempt? From there did it evolve into something else? We’re unsure

If they have video proof, let’s see it, if not I’m inclined to side with the calmer party with video proof

I never have nor will I ever willingly fly frontier airlines

Frontier has low standards for their attendants. I wasn’t even surprised to learn it was them. Even less surprised to see them double down.

Theres literally video evidence of him responding and talking with the flight attendant. I doubt he just didnt say anything before that interaction, but then started having a conversation afterwards. Fuck frontier

Regardless of what the statement is..the attendant speaking to him was extremely rude and unprofessional in her conduct. She clearly had a power trip with that kind of tone. “It is fair” “I’m not comfortable” etc.

I hope she Shit on bus after her coworker/friend showed her the highlights later that day

What’s ja got to say about this tho?

Frontier Airlines is Spirits Airlines Shit stained brother. I trust nothing they share. Both of those airlines can burn in hell

Right, Khabib who respectfully deboarded the aircraft without causing any fuss, refused to assist. Totally believable 🤦‍♂️

Damn, so instead of owning up to mistakes, they straight up went for lying.

Khabib already said they asked him this question and he answered properly and flight attendants in the video also confirmed it. That’s how you can tell how shit of an airline this is.

Number 1 Bullshit

Americans are a joke

As someone who lives somewhere my first language isn’t the main language and who flies a lot I’ve been in the situation A LOT where someone is obviously (to them) trying to get my attention and I’m completely oblivious.

Especially on flights where flight attendants are trying to get my attention for the nonsense safety briefing I’ve had 3000 times already.

Regardless of whatever happened before we see the video it’s extremely clear Khabib was calm and willing to do the duty that seat requires, at which point they should have just dropped it.

Their stubbornness is what will ultimately cost them and them doubling down is silly.

This statement reeks of bullshit

Lame ass response

Brotha this is number 1 bullshit

You never know but I find it really hard to believe that Khabib, who speaks and understands English, would purposely ignore them even when being told he may have to leave.

Have her make 155 bratha and we fight on plane, zero greppling skill bratha

Smells like BS

Corporate bullshitspeak

Absolute BS

Bullsh*t, what Frontier Airlines staff really were thinking. ⬇️


From what I’ve heared you have to look them in the eyes and nothing but YES is acceptable.

Problem is the video shows Khabib having a full conversation showing he A did indeed respond and B understood English just fine

Why tf is khabib flying frontier

Why is khabib flying frontier lol

Come on. You ain’t Israel you can’t bull shit us and expect us to believe you.

What do they mean he “didn’t respond”? Like he just stared at them didn’t hear them? I find it hard to believe Khabib of all people would just blatantly ignore someone. Sounds like bullshit to me.

We didn’t do anything wrong actually and we refunded him and his entourage for no reason whatsoever

One thing I disagree with is that the attendants were racist. Airlines treat everyone like shit in the United States. Buying tickets, checking in, security, etc. It sucks for pretty much everyone.

I also hate the airlines so I am biased for something like this. I don’t see why they have to do shit like this. Try to make a flight pleasant once in awhile. And maybe stop gouging on prices?

after reading these comments, I’m convinced 90% of the people in this sub have never been on a plane in the US

There’s a clip on tiktok of other passengers standing up for Khabib and saying to the second employee that the flight attendant wasn’t articulating properly and no one understood what she was saying.

Flight attendant on a powertrip is nothing new. These people are also very likely to cheat on their spouse statistically, only shady people are flight attendants.

This is number 1 bullshit

Suuuuuuure thing, we believe it had nothing to do with how he looks and/or his accent 😉

what a fail by frontiers pr team lmfao

The optics are still very much at (1) racial profiling (2) ignorance.

Video > Hearsay.

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