Douchebaggery to the max: carry a speaker to force your lame music on your fellow passengers

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People that do this are looking for people to engage and be aggressive with. Don’t bother

The aggression is the point.

if you can afford a Bluetooth speaker, you can afford headphones

The only power in this loser’s life

Use your phone Bluetooth to repeatedly try to connect to it and it’ll probably shut off. I’ve done it.

biggest pet peeve on the train

He had to choose to bring that shitty ass speaker on the trainโ€ฆ like he was back at his home. And consciously grabbed it knowing what his intention was. He knows what he is doing. Itโ€™s the human equivalent of a tiny dog barking at every big dog it sees. Heโ€™s pretending heโ€™s a big guy.

Had a verbal altercation last week with a man smoking a cig on the Q train. He had the audacity to say โ€œwelcome to new yawkโ€ when I shouted ARE YOU SMOKING ON A TRAIN

My favorite are the people with 2 phones and no headphones. Also, last night there was a guy who had headphones around his neck and still blasting his shit. I wish the NYPD or the MTA police would ticket these people or throw them off the trains. Same with the smokers. One night 5 different train cars had a smoker in them. You can’t just change cars because it is all the cars on the 2 at least. I know it isn’t considered a high priority but quality of life things are important.

Agreed this is rude, selfish behavior. However it’s not worth it imo to ask them to turn it down. Too many instances of violence. If someone is crazy enough to think the whole subway wants to listen to their bluetooth speaker, they’re crazy enough to stab you. Not fear-mongering just being sensible

paint pen seemly mountainous upbeat exultant edge crown memorize rock

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You can get a pair of wireless headphones for cheap. There is no excuse for this.

How would people react to asking if they can play something else? Turn on some Fania All-Stars or Black Star. Easy listening.ย 

Ironically the rider next to him is reading a book called My Brilliant Friend

There are Bluetooth disrupters and they work believe it or not

I’m sick of these fucking assholes.

Unfortunately almost expect it on the subway.. itโ€™s at a restaurant or bar, anywhere you actually pay for an experience and some ass hole is on speaker phone!! And the restaurant doesnโ€™t shut it down.. so I have to say something and now iโ€™m the ass hole right..?? Constant paradox man!

I hate people like this

His father never hugged him

Most definitely a douche move

Heโ€™s 100% looking to fight with someone. Do not engage

Also like are you just too cheap to get headphones? Thatโ€™s my thought every time like are you just broke my dude

I hate it !!!!!!

I have gotten away with tricking these people into talking about their music. They have to turn it down to have the conversation. Jedi Mind Trick.

These dumb pieces of shit are looking for a fight, that’s why they’re doing this. They’re daring you to say something. They are purposely disturbing everyone’s peace because it makes them feel like a big man.

I wonder if u can connect to it and play embarrassing music. No way he would know which person is doing it right?

He just waiting for some dude to run up and make out with him passionately to his jams yโ€™all. This fella needs a strong man to hold him and he out there peacockinโ€™ trying to get that big daddy mate.

The pants tell me all I need to know

Yeah, the fashionnova skinny jeans say everything. All I needed to know lol

What would happen if the entire train car just kicked his ass? Problem solved

Oh I thought it was the jeans?

I can’t imagine doing that and having no self awareness about how big of an asshole I looked.

Visited NYC last week and saw this at least once a day lmao. Shit was hilarious to me but I bet it gets annoying dealing with it all the time lol

This is deeply anti social behavior and the man absolutely wants a confrontation. Ruins mass transit for everyone. Iโ€™m not sure how you prevent this kind of behavior either.

Everything about this dude screams Loser. If it werenโ€™t for cameras everywhere someone could kick that speaker in his face and then beat the shit out of him to his favorite songs.

And if you say something you risk ending up on the news

And itโ€™s always the worst music imaginable

The Bluetooth speaker at max volume is definitely annoying and God knows in prior years I would have spoken up, but now my big WTF is that people are way too frequently smoking on the train now. I have to ask myself do I want to deal with second hand smoking or with a knife in my chest I can’t win.

Those speakers are the worst thing for a civilized nation to have come out in the last decade

I hate this shit with a passion.

Itโ€™s big attention seeking behavior, they are begging someone to say something to them

My favorite are the people who are inside their house and aim their speakers OUT the window so the whole damn block can hear their clown music.ย 

In Sydney they just get a $1,100 (US$677.34) penalty for anti social behaviour. If they want to contest it, they risk an $11k fine.

Why does every proud Bluetooth speaker guy have the same ribbed-robot-knee jeans? The United Front of all obnoxious dudes, bringing together humans from all backgrounds to Play Loudly As One. Maybe itโ€™s a BOGO special

His pants are a bigger issue

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