Scaffolders working on a castle wall, using the same scaffold supports that were put there for that purpose 800 years ago

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And just like a real scaffolder, one of them is sat around doing fuck all.

ya thats the purpose of the potlogs. these buildings were built to be maintained

Is that really what those holes are for?


I mean hey, if it works and was originally engineered for that purpose, why change what works?

Wouldnโ€™t that make it easier for invaders?

Where is this OP?

Or were they!!!! Stay tuned to our 24 hour scaffold live feed to see if the scaffolder *gamble* pays off!!!

whilst wearing AF1’s.

what a trooper

Are they though? I know if I needed to storm a castle, I would be super sneaky about it. Wait a couple hundred years or so till they let their guard down, and you can even have snack breaks and wear sweatpants

I can assure you that 800 years ago, they did not use steel pipes for scaffolds.

The more things change, ey?


They were there for a reason

Put-log holes.
(The holes for the scaffold, not the workers just to be clear ๐Ÿ™‚

Scaffolding up for 800 years? You sure this isnโ€™t in New York City?

interesting, never knew this. I frequently do something similar in hard to access brick houses – I put in stainless steel threaded rod stubs. Hard to see, but easy to anchor off too.

Interesting they have these as it makes it easier for attackers to scale the wall.

Hundreds of years later, with “many” advances in building technology and our structures don’t hold up this well.

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