And this is EXACTLY why they hate fact checking.

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There was a crazy woman on our local next door ranting about how the โ€œonly reasonโ€ January 6th happened was because Nancy Pelosi refused to accept the National Guard when Trump tried to send them in. I told her the Speaker of the House has zero jurisdiction over the DC National Guard, only the President, Defense Secretary or Secretary of the Army do. She called me a liar, a sheep and some other colorful words. These people donโ€™t choose to live in reality, only in the fantasyland they have created.

Donโ€™t worry zuckerburg and musk will liberate us from this woke communist fact checking


When I first read her tweet, that seemed like an obvious lie to me, but people still fall for stuff

California Derangement Syndrome. They really hate the hands that feeds.

GOP/MAGA, portal for misinformation.

This basically is like arguing with a flat earther. Though they have done zero real research, they have convinced themselves they’re smarter than everyone else who has actually put the work in.

They don’t just hate fact checking, they hate opposing views or opinions, especially if they are grounded in reality, while theirs isn’t. This is why they are quick to label anything not affirming their stance as “woke left”.

Fuck yeah, you show them, Oregon!!

What a fucking idiot

Fun fact: Republicans hate America.

Most commercial trucks sold in the U.S. leave the factory California compliant.

And it often takes more time and effort to fact check than it does for the mouth breathers to spew their misinfo

Let’s think this one out for a second, though.

In this case, maybe some dumbass conservatives leave CA for TX. Would most Californians really miss them?

Maybe we should let the cult followers lie themselves off to some Florida retirement compound and wait for the next pandemic to haul their unvaccinated bodies off to the beyond.

Dude, Oregonians deal with fires like this every fucking summer because the state is teeming with old growth forests. Of course we sent help, we’re not pricks.


Look at how much more engagement the wrong tweet got

And now thatโ€™s being spread around vs the truth and how no one knows it now

Conservatives / Republicans lie; it’s all they know how to do. Well, they also know how to hate, so they hate and lie.

This lady sounds like a moron. Ain’t no way in hell they would turn them away because of emissions..

Those who want to believe will say the Oregon account is fake but Mila Joyโ€™s isnโ€™t.

Mila Joy keeping the dumb blonde meme alive and strong in 2025.

Republicans will say and do anything for power and money. No matter how many have to die or number of lives destroyed.

Let the Mexicans and Canadians in but keep the Oregonians out. Surprised thatโ€™s not top news in MAGA Land.

I feel terribly bad for Joe unless he’s just as much a meathead as Mila.

Not sure what California ever did to her to hate in an entire state that badly.

Lies, misinformation, disinformation, alternative facts,…….

This is really funny because oregon itself has strict emission standards so…we would probably meet them anyway

I live in Los Angeles. My out-of-state Republican relatives are bombarding me with stupid lies like this that they hear on FOX News, Newsmax, OANN, etc. Trump repeats a lot of this bullshit. I’m already stressed out about having fires raging on two sides of where I live, then I hear these absurd lies about the fires and the hatred being spewed at Californians. It’s pure madness. How the fuck is this “Making America Great Again” when right wing media is pumping their heads full of lies, misinformation, and hatred?

How do you fail to even name the proper number

Actually they don’t care about fact checking beyond it being an annoyance. The inertial laws of bullshit says once a dumb rumor is in motion it takes an exponentially greater effort to put it at rest than to start or maintain it. They can throw mud at the wall while by time the clean-up crew realizes there is a mess it’s soaked in deep, and the right can throw mud endlessly.

Wtf is a Mila Joy and why do we give AF about what she has to say?

She cant even get the number right……

Iโ€™ll never understand people that have the blind appetite for disinformation. Why do people accept it, opposed to a once and done? This is an indicator of good vs evil and holy god there are a lot of evil people in this country.

So fucking stupid these old fucks believe everything on social media. After years of telling us do not believe everything you see on tv.ย 

Someone on BlueSky was claiming the fires all arson, citing people โ€œpouring canisters of gasoline down a hillsideโ€ and another working to misuse a propane tank. Comments are wild. When pressed for citation, the articles said nothing of the sort. The difference? BlueSky killed the account for misinfo. On Twitter, a blue check means you can make up whatever you want (as long as Musk agrees).

That’s not how state borders work inside the US

They setup a California fire facts page to counter the lies.


โ€œNo, I read it on facebook! Youโ€™re fake news!โ€

I’m starting to think it’s not me infected with “the woke mind virus”. Crazy liberals that they made up are living in their minds rent free. These people fall for propaganda or invent new conspiracies every 5 seconds. Social media will kill us.

MAGAs are so despicably disgusting. Will it kill them NOT to lie?

According to her Twitter profile, she’s a social media influencer, so she practically lies for a living.

“Mexico also sent trucks, which were welcomed with open arms and appreciative hearts. However, one must wonder: does Mexico have the same emission standards as California? As someone with extensive experience in the automotive sector, I can confidently say they do not.”

I miss the days you could actually make a joke like that and people wouldn’t take it seriously (knowing it was a joke).

Objectively it’s a funny joke, but the stupid people just have to be stupid and think its reality. Or “True” in the words of opossum Musk.

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