What’s your choice?

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I chose one 49″ super ultrawide monitor and one 16″ monitor.

I also left a space for my cat.

2×27 inch 1440p’s.

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32″ Curved. So immersive!

34 inch ultrawide

Dual screens if you want your screens to be physically separated. Single monitor if the pixel density is high, no matter if it’s for work or gaming.

comment image?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6696cfca83868941a797aa38ac0ba01f8130d2f7

Option C.

I prefer one large monitor. Currently using a 34″ widescreen.

2x 27inch

32 single

I’m used to playing games that need notes or guides on the side, so I’ve always had dual monitors, that is my preference. My most recent upgrade this christmas was 2 x 27″ 2k monitors.

One 27″ monitor

27 24

2 27 inch screens for that sweet pixel density at 4k.

dual 32″. rocking this setup right now, as well as at work (CAD work). absolutely loving it.

32″ single and two 24″ on each side.

24″ | 32″ | 24″
In that order.

comment image?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3981f33edb144ffec6bc33e125be449225e6e706

Two 27’s for me, smaller screen = better clarity .

Oled Lg 1440 for my main Acer Nitro 1080 for my secondary

Why not both?
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Imo dual

Single monitor

I run a triple monitor setup and it works great for me.
comment image?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a379d1fd601132d327c91a4606b85f27da5ce21

2 24” monitor cause you got more space to work, it just looks better and you can do on the left monitor sidetask like discord or whatever and on the other one you can play games like this stuff

2 X 27
comment image?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96fd4ff41d2e3506df5bde7fb0a9ac12d7466051

Although the 32 curved is a beauty!

Dual Monitors anyday of the week

Just one big tv does the job for me

I have exactly two 24 inch monitors. Since I started using dual monitors 17 years ago I can’t go back to a single monitor again. Creature of habit I guess

2 24″ monitors for productivity and single 32″ for gaming

The 32 inch imo. Having multiple monitors can be handy but you can always get one later.

I had 2 x 27″ 1080p, replaced the main monitor with 32″ 1440p

Two 24″. 32 is already too big imo, and i cannot give up having multiple displays. 27″ or bust.

single 27 inch monitor. I have no need for a dual monitor, and 32″‘s dpi is just too low.

27 secondary 32 main

easy… dual 32”

32 4k all day every day. If it’s 24 inch it’s 1080p * 2 is half the desktop space of 1 32 4k monitor.

Dual 32” at home Dual 27” at work

I like 2 seperate because it means I can have Discord or a game guide/build or YouTube/Twitch on it while having a game on the main screen.

I would choose 2 x 24 over a single 32 inch any day all day

1600p ultra wide

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