Trump’s cabinet is a joke

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It’s not so much a cabinet as it is a junk drawer.

I mean, I didn’t know what that was…

…but I’d expect a top government official to know.

For those playing at home:

Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

ASEAN stands for Association of South East Asian Nations and there are 10 nations that make up this group.

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A Senator asked Hegseth if he would obey Trump’s order to invade Panama and Greenland. He said he would because millions of Americans voted for Trump, yet I can’t for the life of me find any proof that Trump was talking about invading Greenland and Panama during the election.

>None of those countries are in ASEAN

All ASEANs look the same to a racist.

He didn’t even study

I hate how he just sits there with a smirk cause he knows they’ll vote him in anyways.

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Get him Tammy!

Remember when Ben Carson thought he was being asked about OREOs when asked about REO?

Laurel and Hardy could do a better job, and they’ve been dead 60 odd years

From DEI hire, to DUI hire. Unreal.

Pete Hegseth is what happens when you spend more time in the mirror than studying for your job.

I wouldn’t have known this one. One of the many reasons I’m not currently being interviewed for a cabinet appointment.

I guess this is what happens when you summon a shitty Fox News host with no credentials for the job.

If I showed up for a job interview and she was the interviewer, I’d politely leave. She does NOT mess around.


Only 10 nations and 600million people bordering the China. No reason for him to know anything about it. /s

Stupidity & cruelty are features, not bugs; this person is perfect as sec def if we want to become a failed state

Bro didn’t even study for the test he knew was coming 😭

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Let’s be real. Trump picked Pete Hegseth for his tattoos.

He’s embodiment of what conservatives have caricatured DEI as. He’s unqualified for the job and not where he is based on merit.

They have been bashing intellectualism for decades, and now we have literally elected people who know nothing. I remember when Gary Johnson tried to get the Republican nomination and had no clue what was happening in Syria at the time, a major world event. And don’t even get me started on Sarah Palin. Republicans are purposely low information voters, and this is who we elect when they win elections.

Trump totally nominated people to waste so much fucking time and resources…egg prices are going UP people!

OK, let’s put aside that this is a basic Model UN level question.

Even giving him the benefit of a doubt that he misheard and thought he was being asked “how many nations are in Asia?”

# He fucking answered AUSTRALIA.

That’s it’s own fucking continent. It’s not in Asia. It’s separate from Asia.

Even his wrong answer is wrong by what he thought it was.

This morning several Republicans blamed left wing media for the bad stories about him. Soooo, was anyone expecting Fox or Newsmax to air bad stories about him. Seems the observation is a silly criticism

What sucks is that asshole will still probably get confirmed because the GOP has no morals.

See, America. This is what happens when enough of you didn’t vote because one of the candidates laughed funny and you thought they would do worse than the other person.

That guy has a nazi tattoo on his chest.

ASEAN, or the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, consists of ten member countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Even if he mistakenly heard Asia instead of ‘ASEAN’, Australia isn’t part of Asia. It’s its own continent.

Hegseth will be the first person in decades to have not attended the USA war college as he only has tactical leadership experience vs strategic/theater level command.

This is going to be so much fun.

Also I wish we had like a dozen Duckworth’s in office, that woman never pulls any punches.

We’ve got to hope their sheer incompetence leads to mass insubordination or resignations if members of the military are asked to do illegal or immoral acts

ASEAN not to be confused with Big Sean

Newsflash: the whole US “democracy” is a joke at this point.

Who is the DEI option in this case. I need this fool to get schooled.

We uh…we all know this guys getting confirmed right?

He intentionally picked terrible, corrupt people. That way his attempt to seize power will be supported, not interfered with.

They just wanted someone white. He is just a DEI hire. /s

He’s not there to be a qualified person to run the world’s largest and most powerful military ever in a professional and competent manner.

He’s there to be a yesman to trump, fight a culture war to distract from a class war, and to take the fall if something goes wrong. If you look at it through those qualifications, he’s perfect.

Their purpose is grifting, and nothing else.

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