Entire California Congressional GOP visited Mar-a-Lago this weekend while fires ravaged their state

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Photo includes NY and NJ members of Congress, however, the entire California GOP contingent visited Trump in Florida except for one member who had voted to impeach Trump.

Trump could be standing in front of an overflowing toilet and he’d still give that same fake smile and thumbs up 👍

Fires are ravaging some densely populated areas in SoCal.. probably affecting a few districts, which tend to have democratic representatives. Most of these fuckers probably represent BFE.

Oh, look the Fourth Reich

Why is it that Trump always insists on everyone doing a thumbs up in pictures with him?

Lets be fair here, the GOP in California, Oregon and Washington all get elected by demonizing the large cities in their state in the first place. Here in Seattle, the perennial also-rans and suburban/rural candidates make their entire campaigns about how the city is a crime infested urban hellscape.

As someone from a crime infested, urban hellscape (90s Camden, NJ) all I can say is you have to be the softest, least traveled, and most sheltered person in the world to believe that. Luckily for these politicians, idiots like that are a dime a dozen.

Gotta kiss the ring. Remember, Dementia Donnie is going to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to FUCK California every which way he can.

The League of Incredibly Shit Humans

Abandoning your constituents to go on vacation during a natural disaster that threatens the lives of thousands is a GOP classic at this point. They’re pulling the Cruz maneuver.

The province is burning down FOTUS and collaboraters partying in Florida

gotta get that nose brown other ways


Crime family with bad taste

Maybe they’re just meeting up to head to Cancun together after (but only because one of their daughters asked really nicely).

Without any actual knowledge lemme just say….what do you expect them to do? Get out and fight fires? Cmon. Even IF that is what you want them to do, they have no training. They are doing their jobs while the people with expertise in fighting fires are doing theirs.

I’m not defending them, in any way. I’m just saying. This is a tough situation for anyone. Hopefully they are doing what they can and so are you.

Kiss the diaper

All ass kissers.

Amazing. They would absolutely shit on any Dems who did the same.

Can we rename this group to r/trumppics

So they Raphaeled out of California and Cruzed to Florida. I see a trend with these “representatives.”

What does this version of the red traitor hat say?

Why help your constituents when there’s a ring that needs kissing?

Next up, Spring Break in Cancun!

gotta pay homage to their moronic leader

Is this the thumbs up their arse group picture?

Have to suck the Kings dick

Cult vibes.

Yes, the US is shit. We know this from the many years prior.

It’s the same as “Russia claims”, “Russia says…”.
It’s sad but both headlines go straight to the dumpster.

It didn’t ravage their districts. Those are Democrat districts.

They don’t care about you. Never have, never will.

A bunch of A-holes pictured here

The US needs another revolution. It’s depressing to watch this dumpster fire.

I expect nothing less from our GOP senators. Bending the knee to MushroomDick McTinyHands.

4 more years of lack of empathy and respect.

Clown show

So everything is supposed to revolve around Cali fires?? What the hell?

And who paid for that vacation?

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