But eggs

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“Voted”……. “Throw Away Democracy”……

Pick one.

You wasted all your time in 4 years worrying about blue haired people and the welfare class? Now you can’t get them out to vote? What happened?

Maybe next time worry about shit that matters? The economy? Not coronating a candidate every presidential election since 2016?

How was democracy thrown away? You voted for whomever you voted for. Literally democracy.

“Democracy is ending if Trump wins”

“We need to turn out the vote in 2026”


The candidate who didn’t even get democrat primary votes in 2020 lost?!? Go figure.

How is democracy thrown away?

3/4 of the red voters voted for the orange fella just to own the libs thats absolutely it. No one will admit it but thems the facts. Can’t wait till the economy continues to take a dump unless your the top 1%

Lefties hyperventilating because the election didn’t go their way. 😂

Keep crying chicken littles.

What the fuck does this have to do with money, investing, or finance?


Voting on the basis of how economic factors effect your personal finances is sensible. Voting for a man whose proposed policy is inflationary because you don’t like inflation is moronic, even before considering how incompetent he was in his first term, and how he literally tried to overthrow the American government with his false elector scheme.

Lets not mention housing, insurance, education, fuel, fertilizer, utilities, transportation, airfare and medical care. Slick.

We democratically voted to end democracy?

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Yes. That is what the voters said. “My economics suck and I would rather have a criminal make my life better.” This is the same crowd that tells me that Jesus is the way, take a shit on a guy like Jimmy Carter, and tell me that Biden is the devil compared to Trumpy Dumpy.

I have more faith in the ingredients of a hotdog.

How did this egg thing become a talking point about bashing Republicans when the Democratic platform ran on pricing controls?

>Middle/Lower Class: The economy sucks and I can’t afford groceries.

>Biden: The economy has never been better and I’ve done a fantastic job. Just look at the stock market.

>Wealthy People: Biden is the greatest and is sharp as a tack. Just look at my stock portfolio and real estate holdings.

Biden wonders around stage lost and barely able to speak.

>Kamala: I wouldn’t change anything, Biden has done a great job.

>Everyone: …..

eggs went from like 2.99 a dozen to like 6.99 a dozen where I live, I’m still not throwing away democracy but it’s a bit more than 80¢.

People are ignoring when trump said he wanted to do away with elections for good. But yea he’s no threat to democracy or anything /s

Also wildfires? And taxes. And illegal immigration. Oh, yes, and crime.

Inflation is a real concern for many Americans, and rising food prices, like eggs, can significantly impact household budgets. However, it’s crucial to remember that economic issues are complex and require nuanced solutions.

250 years ago, democracy was for white, land owning men. That’s what they’re referring to when they say “make America great again”

The funny thing is…the egg price along with alot of other products will sky rocket once Trump is back in office. Eat up his lies folks, because eggs will be unaffordable. Make America great, right? Finish those lies with a cup of covfefe.

In American democracy, the voters f*ck around and find out every couple of decades or so.

Some people dumped tea in the ocean when it was taxed 3%

I’m sick of this egg thing. Stop scapegoating why your horse lost. Take ownership and do better.

Man, Trumps vaccine mandates and media censorship are going to be ridiculous.

Tell me you know nothing about history without telling me you know nothing about history

American democracy, where you dont even get a democratic primary /s . Seriously the Democratic Party has really just become the party of whiners and losers. They just spout extremist nonsense like comparing people to hitler and hope it sticks.

“Hey guys, you destroyed democracy because the candidate with the most votes won!”

Lol at tea tax the kicked the whole thing off

Lmao what do you mean throw away democracy he literally won the popular vote. What happened during the election was a democratic election. unless you think people shouldn’t be able to choose their leaders

“Orange man will destroy democracy!” “Why didn’t he do that the first time?”


You guys are always so fucking dramatic

You’ll be just fine

This will age like milk…

Yeap – they did

TBF the whole experiment started with wasting tea.

Utilizing the art on the left for (D) political statements would swing enough of a certain type of voters to listen to their ideas lol

It wasn’t about the eggs anymore than last time was about “economic anxiety”

How is this related to finance

People act like we’re not a democracy when the other side wins, yet 4 years later we have another election.

everyone is realizing how small those 4 meals from anarchy are and how easy it is for companies to raise prices.

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