At least show me something I might buy?

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Nice try, french woman. You won’t throw the algorithm off with your tricks!

they know your fetish

Facts! You like one video on Facebook of a choir singing and now all I get are bible/bible app advertisement. Like dude I like choirs, why would I need all these bibles?

Itโ€™s something normal for them ๐Ÿ˜‚

The women’s shoes thing I can accept. But when you accuse me of being Fr*nch, that’s when I get mad.

When Big Data goes big dumb. ๐Ÿง 

This is what I cant understand. It sometimes look like all people from these companies are only making the effect that they are cyber pro futuristic and then you open the product and it looks like it was made yesterday. I know like 3-4 people who lost their FB account because of bug (and i do not know a lot of people). Same goes with content targeting or really anything else on these apps.

They always make wild claims how their algorithms can basically read our minds. But I’m convinced that their algorithms to process these vast amounts of data complettely suck. It basically boils down to: You are in a certain age range, maybe you like this product. or. You live in certain area maybe you like this product.

At best they manage to give you adds for stuff you have looked at on amazon.

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