Do you read all items description?

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Lord knows if you kill a critter and it drops literal shit you better listen to the wisdom in its item description, it may explain the origins of the entire world.

Yes. Most items I will never use or equip, BUT you can bet your arse I will know everything about it.

I had to figure out that in the inventory after selecting the item you should push on another button to bring up the lore of the items

The change to make it easier to view new items made me more likely to check descriptions. Absolute effort of searching through your inventory for whatever the hell you just picked up.

I cannot read

“Albinaurics throw up their digested poop through their nostrils before they start the chastising process, unlike humans. Maybe that’s why they don’t get along well.”

Player: I absolutely fucking NEEDED to know that to enjoy this game.

Kinda makes it fun though. Collecting all these items and piecing together the history. Kinda like Indiana jones

I love the item descriptions. The story isn’t rammed down your throat, you have to dig it up in small scraps and piece it together on your own. I’m a madman roaming the land stealing people’s boots to glean some lost wisdom from them.

There are some armor items that drop different lore when you alter them

Remembering it is a fucking nightmare though. Like, the ruins everywhere in Limgrave are from Faram Azula. How do you know? It hints at it on the basic ruin fragments you pick up. Good luck remembering that throughout the entire game.

I also forgot about the ghost in the Whipping Hut straight up saying Shamans go in jars. Me at Shaman Village later: “Ooh, I wonder what happened to the Shamans. What a mystery!”

This guy not only cook, but also leaves us the recipes.

Miyazaki, a legend above the legends.

Naah. I just watch VaatiVidya videos

His story telling technique is making other “better” story tellers tell the story on his behalf, what a genius.

Miyazaki: Let them cook.

I like Soulsborne lore distribution. It’s definitely not something every game should do; but I think they’ve created a niche that fits well.

Of course not, I wait for youtube lore videos

I disagree with the idea that there is “essential lore”. I don’t have a fucking clue what this game is about and I have played through it six times. It’s definitely not essential.

I dont. Lore is not why I am here

I only know the game has a story when I watch Vaati. When I play I just walk and kill

Nope. Only the one I’m interested in.

Are you joking? I am level 110 and I did not know about this. I have no idea what is happening

It builds character

Yes. All of them.

Tbh, I love the idea of ”show don’t tell” in fromsoft games.

The environment oozes lore.

i just wait and watch vaatividya videos lol

yes, twice or more

I do, mostly!

I love that From and others do this instead of cutscenes. You want lore? Fine, start browsing your inventory! You don’t care? Fine, just keep playing! You can consume the lore at your own pace without drowning in NPC chatter or movies.

I was also a big fan of Metroid Prime’s scanner. Only a few things had to be scanned, the rest had bits of lore, plus it was fun to collect scans.

Fromsofts storytelling is generally bad,

the lore is great and interesting if occasionally mangled.

But lore and story are different things and lore should not take the place of story, it should enhance it, Sekiro and Lies of P can show that the formula works perfectly fine with an actual story but Fromsoft generally don’t which results in a frankly bad story for most of their games which requires the various lore youtubers to put it together to tell the story in an actually competent way.

its a shame because if they actually told their story properly and competently it can be so peak but alas they don’t and their shit storytelling gets praised as masterful by a circlejerk talking about “holding your hand” when referring to basic storytelling that 99% of media does

I always took this as the game telling me there’s no need to give a shit about the story, and that it was fine to just wander around and fight monsters

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