Farted near my friends smart thermostat

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Damn bro, do you have to release your volatile organic compounds in my room?

i’d want to have one of those just to measure the strenght of my farts lol.

Yep, we do this all the time at work in the chemical plant. Everyone has an oxygen and carbon monoxide monitor, and if you fart towards it, it will set off the carbon monoxide sensor, lol.

Challenge accepted to turn that bar all the way to red

I have an air filter that senses air quality/odor. I didn’t really believe it at first, so I performed an experiment by crop dusting it as I walked by. Sure as shit, the indicator light went red and the fan started running at its highest setting. Now I’m a believer.

I have a Japanese air purifier that indicates air quality. The damn thing got the same attitude. Starts to go into overdrive when I fart near it.

How bad do you have to be that even the robots in your house tell you to open a damned window?


a brain chip implant and augmented reality sound very scary.

But man would it be awesome to have an “achievement unlocked” popup in real life just for situations like these.

Validation the thermostat works.
This is the way.

The next person to touch that thermostat gets pink eye.

“Volatile organic compund: High”

Not only air apparently.

If we have to start living in a world of Fart Sensors I am cooked.

My mom bought a free standing air purifier, me and my friends love to rip the penjamin and watch it go from green to yellow to red air quality 🤣

Well time to see if you can get it into the red.. Eat some strange stuff and fart near it.

Ecobee sensors are crap anyway. Great thermostat, terrible air quality sensor

You are all making me giggle like a teen. Bless you all.

That’s the funniest thing I’ve read all day. Technology is getting more advanced apparently


You farted directly on the sensor don’t lie for internet points. No way that thing can detect a fart in a room.

Is this considered as poor fart or strong?

Poor ✨

VOC’s are carcinogenic and flammable, I believe. The flammable part I get, any maybe the device is detecting methane and calling that a VOC? Because VOC’s are typically in a class only to be exposed to a limited amount and in a well ventilated area. They put warnings about VOC’s on products that release them. Hmmmm….

Where is hearing damage potential

Have one in our kids room, and yeah… when the diaper is full it starts going off and alexa fires off an alert indicating indoor air quality is poor.

I own multiple smart air purifiers and air quality sensors, and this will never stop being funny to me.

They’re also a great way to know if your wife is smoking your weed without you

Ah, I see you do enjoy our Fartronics model 3000 thermostat.

You forgot to push the second button on the lower left before you let ‘er rip.

Fart so disgusting I had the military after my ass for biological warfare

Yup – checks out.

What a world we live in, when the SBD farts are now discoverable! t=There are tears of laughter rolling down my face as I type this🤣🤣

We had something similar at my high school. They had a sensor at the front of the room that measured the air quality, and if it got too bad, it’d automatically open the windows. As soon as the teachers back was turned, someone would run up and fart on it, so this sensor would go red and open all the windows, and wouldn’t let anyone close them until the air cycled.

you are a legend

My wife and I have put air purifiers in most of our rooms. Every now and then they’ll kick into overdrive when we’re standing nearby. One of us, inevitably, calls the purifier a narc.

I’m almost in tears this is so funny

At least there was no report of elevated particulate matter.

The objective truth. You’re the only one who thinks your farts smell like daisies.

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