Tea time [OC]

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Man he even got the hair done

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My face when I have to wait for the next elf comic

She looks upset but she’s gonna sleep with that worn shirt guaranteed.

The dwarf misunderstood the assignment.

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Dwarf looking pretty fine!

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“I invited your little human friend”

Elf *does* think of him as a friend, then.

Hahah, the Elven Queen is actively trolling her now, and its glorious.

With High Elf, an invitation *IS* a summons…

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How does she even drink tea out of that🫣

I love how the racism isn’t even an elf thing, it’s just *this* elf

I love every single comic with this goofy little elf

She’s trying not to stare at the human’s stomach

The dwarf wearing it like a hat is really funny

I appreciate that the orc really gave that outfit the ol’ college try.

That’s absolutely amazing, and the dress as a cute little hat lol

Love the expressions, but I can’t help but notice how impractical those cups are to drink from

Somebody help the Ork, he’s choking.

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It’s now confirmed. She is so in love with him!

I love the dwarf so much

oh boy. BHJ is gonna have a field ~~day~~ ~~week~~ month with this one

they need a win one time (100 years from now), maybe

The poor orc

Make the second panel back and white and it’s straight out of a Junji Ito book 🤣

Oh that cute little racist fairy

Lol funny faces 🤣 😆 

Lol, awesome comic as usual.

The stench , flavor and texture will be out of this world…

and I’m talking about the tea they gonna have 🥲


look at them :3

This is about right.




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