My father-in-law looks like the gramps from Up

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He should sue Disney for using his likeness without his permission.

He looks like he’s really enjoying you pointing it out too lol

U should look for balloons at your home.

I think Disney might owe him some money

This man seems to be a lot of people’s father-in-law this week.

Does he also own a mystery shack in Gravity Falls?

I see a little Robin Williams in him too

Looks like?? It’s him!

Does he enjoy drinking whiskey?

So, before I read the headline, my mind jumped to “AI render of the dude from Up.”

Did he make you cry for the first 15 minutes you met him?

Hi, Mr. Frederickson!

Mixed with Ellen.

You should totally get him a walking cane with tennis balls

UP live action coming soon

He’s a sweet looking man though, and what a great hair for his age. I am jealous!

Come on, you’re Pete Docter aren’t you 😅

More like he IS the gramps from Up.

Live Action is coming 🤣🤣🤣

I hope his wife is healthy and he doesn’t have access to any balloons.

He doesn’t look like it… it’s him.

You should not take the piss out of an old man. He was young once and was good looking.

Who am I kidding…. he totally does. That NOSE!

I belive his name is Up, he runs around with Lil’ Up and Up dog.

Take him to Angel Falls for his next birthday


Indeed he does! 🎈


This is unbelievable lol

Get him a hat.

Looks a lot like [Spencer Tracy ]( me. But then again, I’m old.

So live action confirmed, that’s very Disney at the moment

I would get so sad everytime I see your FIL for a brief moment.

Before I even read the title: “Holy crap, it’s the guy from Up!”

Mr Fredrickson…

I’m sorry about your father-in-laws wife.

I’m sure his adopted son Russell makes a great husband for you. How’s Dug the dog doing?

Also like he could do a HQ Mrs. Doubtfire if he wanted to

Attach camera on his head I want part 2

lol he looks more like Ellen degeneras

I’d say Gruncle Stan

He’s not a plumbing teacher is he? Looks a lot like the teacher I had in tech school.

He needs to work up a costume for next Halloween.

Hold up. Is your mother in law alive? The movie’s whole premise is around a heartbroken old man….

He never got to be a gramps though 😭

Wow amazing 😂😂

At my first job, there was this old couple that looked exactly like Carl and Ellie. It was uncanny. I asked them if they had ever seen the movie and they hadn’t. I reconsidered suggesting that they watch it lol.

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