Gwen (Part 3) – Gator Days (OC)

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Olivia was right, their mom truly is the best

Whoever needs to hear it You are a delight!
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I just hope Gwen’s parents won’t get mad at her for accepting “handouts”

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It’s been too long since someone raised their arms and shouted happily.

I really hope that someone raises their arms and shouts happily soon.

This comment is 100% sincere and not ironic. 🙂

THANK YOU FOR THIS. I needed a happy ending to this. Even though momma opossum can’t fix Gwen’s home life, she just did a great job at making sure Gwen feels welcome. I hope Gwen is able to find a shelter in the storm at Polly’s house.


Burritos for Everyone!

The *best* moms know when help is needed and give it. No questions asked.

Momma Possum is the best mom. 🥰

Momma opossum is a delight! <3

Polly’s mom really is the best. Some moms gotta feed *everyone*, it’s a compulsion. XD

And I think it broke Gwen a little XD

Can I have a burrito?

This comic has always been beautiful but this particular storyline hits close to home and feels so cathartic to read ❤️ Thank you!

Gwen, so sad to see ☹️

That mom is the type of person that when anyone steps into her home they gonna leave full and gained a few pounds then some food to take home and she ain’t taking a no lol

Some people have never known kindness and generosity. They know those things are supposed to exist but, having never seen them, they become mythical and not something to believe in. Then when those things are proven to exist a ray of light shines directly through the darkness straight into their heart.

Sometimes little things and kind gestures, which are unremarked and little noticed in a normal world, mean more than mere words can express. To someone who lives just outside the light even something simple, like for instance the gift of some burritos, can bring hope. Those shaking hands don’t come from fear. They come from gratitude.

I worry the next comic will feature Gwen’s parents, and that they’re disappointed or angry because they assume she hasn’t cooked for her brothers…

Burritos are already delightful but what a wonderful thing to do. Such Sweet mum

I’m going to take a guess that Gwen bringing home the burritos is not going to end well. (And not due to anything wrong with the burritos themselves)

I was the kid with a bad home life and my friend’s mom taught me to tie my shoes, ride a bike and always welcomed me into her home (despite me being a little shit at times, Olivia is older than I was)

So many times when I was a kid, the parents of other kids would invite me to stay for dinner – even if I wasn’t friends with their kids specifically or didn’t know them very well. It wasn’t until I was in my twenties that I realized what they were seeing :/

Is there a good place to view all the gator days comics in one place? I see they’re all on Instagram but I’m not very used to that site and it seems mixed with other comics too.

My wife would love these but she’s the kind of person who wants to read everything available immediately lol.

You’re gonna make me cry in the middle of work.

Now I want burritos

I’m not crying! The burritos are spicy!

your trying to make everyone cry

Polly’s mom is all good vibes

I was that kid who was always at her friend’s house because things weren’t good at home. These last few comics are so familiar to me, and I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for my friend and her parents, who took me in and loved me when nobody else would.

We all need to get together with Ember to protect Gwen.

There must be onions in those burritos *sniffle*

Situation reminds me about my brother’s friend.

My mother used to call him unofficially adopted.

But my mother is like that. Friend of family is also family.


Momma Possum does know Gwen’s parents, doesn’t she?

Dang nabbit now I want a burrito.

With the way this has been going, I’m bracing for (Part 4)


Shootout to any parent who treats their child’s friends this kindly.

There’s humans in this universe?

That’s for real just the parents of a friend of mine. They always say I can stay for dinner

My family was far from perfect, but one thing we always did growing up. *EVERYONE WAS WELCOME*

My mom would immediately treat all friends, visitors, or otherwise like family. I try my damnest to do that today.

Wait wait wait, there’s humans in this world? AND BURRITOS? WHAT’S IN THE BURRITOS?! Is this like a Splatoon situation where the more evolved eat the less evolved?

Is that first comma supposed to be there? “Sorry, you can’t stay longer” instead of “Sorry you can’t stay longer.”

The first one’s kind of, “Get out, please.”

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