We need to bring back the old recipes ๐Ÿ’”

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Bro is 94. Let him enjoy his day. OG still remember Racism Classicโ„ข๏ธ

Unless he was acting out, I see no problem with this.

Play your part right, and you can get a couple of sips yourself.

You need to shut up and pour it for himโ€ฆ ol pussass!


RIP Pops. Spoon is dearly missed

Psh MF made it to 94, if you donโ€™t let that mf do whatever the hell he wants lmfao

Dub for Grandpa Bro
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Grumpy old people rejoice!

I believe what he did was 100% correct we should be more discreet.

Niggas be smoking weed in front of the kid allowing them to inhale it and shit.

People be drunk drunk in front of they kids, passed out on the damn floor or throwing up.

So yea I believe the 94 year old has more common sense than most people in todayโ€™s age.

I was discreetly drinking. And my baby cousin came and asked for a sip of my drink. I told her no way. She kept begging so I told her no. Its bad for you little one.

She stops. Looks at me for a second then asks me why I’m drinking it if its bad for you.


Thatโ€™s how he got to his old ageโ€ฆminding his damn business. Be classy like your grand uncle.

All good until the kids tell him to share the caprisun

Turning children’s bday parties into excuses for benders is crazy. Your daughter just turned 4. Why is there a bar?

Uncle outclasses most.

As long as he isn’t acting a fool, why are you calling him out? Lol

He didn’t make it to 94 by being a snitch.

also chill on all the cussing and calling your kids “bruh”.

My mom used to make people do this. I still knew they were drinking because theyโ€™d make a big fuss about it but I also never got into alcohol growing up so idk, I think it works.

Even with the photo quality, those hands donโ€™t look 94. Hes doing something right.

Maybe it’s because no one in my family drinks, but I really don’t see a point in bringing alcohol to a child’s birthday party. Y’all can’t have some cake and kool-aid and call it a day?

I know that shit tearing his liver up

He thought nobody would notice him holding on for dear life…. to a Capri Sun box?! For 3 hours?! C’mon, Pop!

Alcoholism isn’t a flex


You gonna hide dem Bahama Mamas, ain’t ya? That ain’t right, that’s not how gramma raised us.ย 

Grand Uncle is a champion, that’s why.

I would have kept my mouth shut and asked if he had a capri for me

This Sir, is hood classy

Are there any soul food recipes you’re trying to master in the kitchen?

Bro is 94, so… Do what you want, man. But I think putting booze in a juice box is definitely worse for the kids than just a glass or a flask.

I doubt somebody little is going to accidentally drink out of a flask, but a juice box looks like there _their stuff_. That’s just unfair lol.

Shit. Yall should see Mexican baby showers

If I get to 94 I’ll be starting everyday with a blunt and a margarita. Leave the man alone.

He’s not hiding it from the kids to be discreet, he’s hiding it from anyone who might ask for a cup.

I feel like Hennessy is for ultra amateur drinkers, that junk has no real flavor and its like 80 proof

My feelings on the elderly drinking is simple. Are they a problem? Then shut up. Being old hurts and being buzzed makes it easier to function. That being said, some old people don’t ever learn to quietly enjoy a buzz neither.

Yes being discreet in general should make a proper return. Loud people on public transport, cyclists seemingly not caring about anyone but themselves on the road, “streamers” who “prank” people, you name it.

Mexicans meanwhile will get wasted for a 2 year olds bday party ๐Ÿ˜‚

I’m gonna be honest, I’m 30, and already starting to embrace the drunk uncle stereotype.

Drinking at a kids party is still drinking at a kids party no matter how itโ€™s done

Cisco and 7UP

We celebrating gramps….until gramps start cutting up. Then it’s “who let gramps hit the bottle???!?” (knowing damn well)

Those hands ain’t 94


He’s a genius, also he’s 94 years old. Let him live

The one place no children would ever look.

the real recipe is not having kids

Yโ€™all need to learn from our Mexican brethren. Getting drunk at kidsโ€™ parties is a way of life.

My guy is 94.

cognac might be the thing that keeps him going.


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