One movie you loved as a kid, only to watch it as an adult and realize it’s absolute trash

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I don’t want to watch 3 Ninjas again for this reason.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie

I was the perfect age for this one and obsessed with Power Rangers when it came out. My poor parents had to endure many rewatchs and even more lectures about how stupid it was that Kimberly always had to get rescued and how I was totally going to marry Tommy. Rewatched it a few years ago as an adult, and it was a bizarre experience. It was equal parts exactly how I remembered it, like to the point where I could still recite most of the script along with the movie, and at the same time; soooooo bad. What’s the nicest way I can put this…. I don’t know what they did with the budget, but you certainly didn’t see it on the screen.

Anyone remember Flubber?

Mac & Me, for sure.

Blank Check

Always tripped me out that this is Howie Mandel we’re looking at

The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle. Thought it was hilarious as a kid, but as an adult, it’s just a chaotic mess with too many inside jokes that miss the mark.

This movie still rocks and I watch it every few years around Halloween

Alright..I’ll admit it…Howard the Duck. Loved it as a kid and watched it a few years ago. Yeah…it’s as bad as everyone says

I’ll go to bat for Little Monsters, that movie is just as fun to watch now as it was when I was a kid. It’s the practical effects that makes it hold up.

If I had to pick a good one, it would be Over The Top. Loved it as a kid, but definitely a trash movie.

Drop Dead Fred.

I saw Hackers (1995) when I was maybe 11 or 12 and thought it was absolutely cool. When I got older I realized the plot is pretty dumb. I still enjoy it for other reasons though.

Free Willy. And Air Bud.

The Wizard

lol fuck I loved that movie as a kid.

Grease 2. ‘Cool Rider’ still slaps though. So does that Christmas song full of costumes.

Problem Child, 1 and 2. I loved it when i was about eight years old and genuinely thought it was hilarious.

I loved this movie as a kid. Now I have to watch it again right this very moment, you son of a bitch.

Toys. I had such fond memories from childhood, but hot damn, it did NOT hold up as an adult. You’d think Robin Williams and the amazing cast could pull it out of the pile, but its a boring mess.

Beverly Hills Ninja

Batman and Robin

Beverly hills Chihuahuas and super buddies (I didn’t even know what airbud was)

Super Mario Brothers. As I kid I ignored the plot or some things I didn’t grasp fully.

Double Dragon

Mighty Ducks is….. not great.

RIP- Indian in the cupboard. Shoulda never tried to rewatch that as an adult. Childhood nearly destroyed

I thought my kids would enjoy Grease but they hated it and I had to agree it was not good and has aged very badly.

Saturday the 14th…. I truly thought it was peak comedy… it is not

Kickboxer with Van Damme…loved it when I was a kid. Saw it again after many many years when in my thirties and man o man, what a pile of garbage.

Screw you, that movie is still brilliant!

Shark boy & Lava girl 😭

Space jam


Little monsters is not trash. Watched with my kids and I enjoyed it. Would watch again.

I refuse to accept that’s not Michael Keaton. How dare Howie Mandel actually be entertaining. Lies!


It’s shit. But it’s good shit. It’s still dumb fun. The grandma is the best part.

Tank girl

Meteor Man

I remember seeing Good Burger in the theatre and remember enjoying it. I saw it again as an adult and could not get through it. I did not realize how absolutely ridiculous this movie was when it came out. I was a kid.

Hawk the Slayer.  A sword and sorcery movie with special effects that are now laughable. 

“The stupids” with Tom Arnold. I thought it was hilarious back then. Somehow stumbled onto its trailer recently , and there’s no way I’d revisit

One of my favorite movies as a kid and as and adult. How dare you

Garbage Pail Kids

Howard the Duck

Is Fred Savage the brother of Ben Savage?

Batman Forever

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