Yeah like why do they care

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Do your homework and clean your room Brad

Why won’t they let them neglect their duties and play games all night if they bought it for them? Parent’s just don’t understand.

Shut up you spoiled brat

Fuck them kids

Gaming PC’s are not for kids, period. Just buy them a Switch.

Do your homework bro

Translation: “I have shit grades, don’t do my chores, I spend hours on end playing and my room smells like an abandoned morgue. So yeah, my parents are total assholes and I’m a victim.”

Why even buy them one? Teach them how to build one, have them buy their own parts, and have them put it together themselves.

Just get older

I like how this sub is just 12 year olds complaining about shit. YOUR PARENTS SHOULD LET YOU STAY UP PAST TEN AIDEN!!

Do your homework and clean off the floor

My parents
Not buying shit
Not allowed to buy my own
Not allowed to use a friend’s one
Need one for school

It’s for studying only!!! lol

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