guess my day wasn’t that bad after all..

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Bro you should not be happy, while tiktok isn’t… great, tiktok was just the example. The bill lets the US government make it so LITERALLY ANY FOREIGN OWNED MEDIA COMPANY has to either sell to a US company, or stop working in the US. They want to be able to control the narrative, they may say it’s for “national security”, but they just want control.


>I garner joy from the suffering of others

Weird thing to admit to.

Tbh. I didn’t have Tiktok. But seeing my classmates almost on the verge of tears had me feeling like this

Ytb short content creators are in a treat


Hah, lol, I live in the country,where youtube banned for 2 years. But it’s work and I haven’t any ads.

Name of this meme template please

Honestly same YouTube shorts are better anyway

You act like there already isn’t a replacement lmao


It’s 2025 and Reddit is still on the “le tiktok bad” phase!? Jesus grow up.

Ban internet and carpet bombs the servers of big tech. The world deserve to rest from the bs. Im tired of being a slave to the algorithm

Don’t be so quick to celebrate. First of all, 90% of tiktoks aren’t as cringe as reddit has told you, second of all, there’s a fair probability that the cringe ones will migrate to reddit and bring their cringe with them.

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