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Neat fear unlocked: ***Gigantasophobia***

Edit: meant _New_

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Are you actually tall? I couldnt tell if you yourself were tall because you were standing next to u/holleringelk and she’s just a widdle bebbeh

I’m 6’7” and people pester me in public about it, I’ve gotten so sick of it, last time I was walking into a hospital with my partner who had cancer and some jerkoff in a pickup takes the time to slow down and stick his head out to comment and ask how tall I was, I snapped and cussed that dude out so fucking hard.

I imagine the same kid walking through the night as a Demonic Pizza Cake stalks him from the shadows :-p

The Average Dutch experience when we travel abroad. According to the doctor my son is going to grow over 2 meters coming down to 6′ 5″ (I’m hoping this isn’t going to be the case because I’d get neck cramps)
I myself am of moderate height at 6ft 2.8 and my wife is about 6ft



Nah. Kids who call random people “freak” without any reason won’t ever become better. It just doesn’t work this way.

I do this to my nephew. “I’m not gonna hurt you buddy…. *im just gonna kill yuh a lil bit*”

TIL that Pizzacake is tall in real life

What’s wrong with being a freak? 😈

😂 So I’m not the only one? Woohoo! Though I tend to do it in some random agent too so it really throws them off. 😈

Lil’ boy is going to learn to appreciate tall queens with time

In my experience the kid will call you cringe and not be scared at all.

Ellen over here like:

Sup kid
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I’m sure he’ll learn to be nicer and not to avoid tall women they are demons

Gotta fight against the Canadian politeness stereotype.


That kid got a Type now.

Tall women are the best.

This is just public masturbation at this point. CAD vibes.

This never happened

So incredibly lame.

Didn’t even say young lady

The bad news: Now the local kids are going to throw holy water on you. The good news: With your gargantuan height, maybe just your legs get wet.

I had a student try to insult me by saying I looked like a “skinny bodybuilder”. I just thanked him because I guess that is the fitness goal I’m going for.

Geez it’s 2025… why not both? 😉

Well you’re kind of a freak too 😳

It really sucks how calling people freaks and othering them has become so normalised again.

I’m 6 feet tall and people always like to comment on my height when I play sports. I have a similar reaction to this post, I wanna tell them I was genetically enhanced and did limb lengthening just to have a longer reach in pickleball of all things…..

Tall mommy?

[Reminds me of that one scene from Haunting of Hillhouse]comment image)

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