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Next up: redefining certain groups as pedophiles.

They don’t actually care about pedophiles. They are going to rebrand the term to mean queer people. Same as they did with the word “groomers”.

“pedophiles” meaning queer people just existing. because a man of god would never harm a child /s

They will never hold their own accountable. They will redefine what a pedophile is to make it so democrats are one. That’s just what these kid diddlers do, Trump knew his bestie loved em young and he got sued with him. There’s a reason he had him killed last time.

The goal here is REALLY nefarious and supports sex offenders.

Basically, making the punishment so serious LOOKS “tough on crime” but it will GREATLY discourage reports: pedophiles are often known to the kid and appreciated by their community; telling a victim “if you tell anyone they’ll have me killed” will scare victims into silence.

It will also lead to juries (rightfully) being a lot more hesitant to convict. If the prosecution can cast doubt on a kid’s testimony (which you KNOW they will) then the bar will be INCREDIBLY high for convictions. You’d need video proof at that point.

And then add the layer that if they want to have someone killed, they can trump up some evidence that the person was a pedophile (because maybe they were gay and existed near children) and there ya go, death penalty.

No it wouldn’t. Remember: one set of laws for them, a different set of laws for the rest of us.

Good. Matt gaetz and trump need to go

you know the republicans are going to use this as a witch trial thing to police certain groups of people

No no, not THOSE pedophiles. The new Republican definition of pedophiles which is just gay and trans people

I get the confusion because pedophile typically means you want to fuck children, but in this instance they mean gay and trans people.

The Republicans who like fucking kids will be fine, for sure.

This isn’t about pedophiles.

This is about giving the government more power to execute people.

It starts by pedophiles because “noone will be against it”.

Then it’s easier to add being trans or gay as an executable crime.

Also it’s easier to plant evidence that a political enemy is a pedophile than a massive murderer.

Project 2025 plans are to redefine trans people as “pedophiles”.

They are planning extermination.

Hint: They’re not talking about Pedophiles.

Executed? There would be no more GOP party.

Damn, they went from “let’s elect a pedophile president and appoint a pedophile AG” to “let’s execute them” in just a few weeks lol

So, how many culture warriors forget that the main argument against the death penalty is that it can cost 15x life imprisonment due to defendant delays and appeals?

Or the causal intention of redefining the term used here to accuse people to include minorities?

Or the troubling lack of intention to use due process at all?

Their definition of a pedophile: anyone who supports LGBTQ+ children, and trans rights

they did a beta test with that guy Jeffrey, right?

Personally pedophilia should get automatic life sentence without parole in my eyes. It won’t affect the GOP though because they have total control of government. They’ll sweep it under the rug for their party members but everyone else will be off to the gallows! If they did hold to their standard it would legitimately wipe out 1/3 AT LEAST of the GOP and probably most evangelical leaders

Rep(edo)ublicans. It’s in the name.

Expectation: Convicted Pedophiles get executed

Reality: They exclusively go after LGBT cause clearly theyre the issue

So Jared Fogel is a dead man and Trump isn’t?

They’d be killing so many republican pastors, youth directors and “men of authority”!

Matt gaetz is gone 😆

They would never hold the pedophiles within their ranks accountable. Look at Matt Gaetz, the Southern Baptist Convention scandal, and the fact that Republicans in multiple states have either fought to keep child marriage legal, or have introduced bills to make it legal.

They’ll just legalize pedophilia for “religious reasons” to give their constituency a loophole. They’re the Talibangelical party. What they want for women and children is what Afghanistan has.

Luna was a stripper (who swore she was only a waitress) at a Florida titty bar.

She was a college dropout who swore she secretly earned a degree.

She claimed to be the victim of a burglary and a rape, but has no record of any of it.

She swore her grandfather won medals for fighting the Nazis, but it turned out he was in the Wehrmacht.

The twitch is George Santos with better hips.

That would involve a large number of Christian pastors and priests being executed. Which is why it won’t happen. They won’t kill their own pedophiles. But they‘ll probably elect them.

Let’s start with the president-elect, having raped a 13 year old.

This is why the republican party has worked to hard to label LGBTQ+ people in that category. It won’t actually be a punishment for those actually doing it. It will be a punishment for those labelled in that way by them as a strategy of elimination.

Matt gates cryn rn

It probably wouldn’t hurt to create a list of known republican pedophiles…

doesn’t everyone understand by now that when MAGA says “pedophiles” they *mean* “gay adults that have sex with other gay adults” NOT “hetero presenting adults who r*pe children”??

keep up with the lingo of the times, people! jeez

I love how they make it seem like they’re making some sort of stand, yet Matt Gaetz and a lot of straight and often times religious right are perpetuators of sexual crimes against minors

“Defendant Trump knew I was only 13 when he raped me.”
I say we start from the top.

Why does this remind me of Germany “sexual deviancy” laws of the 1930s? 🤔

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