He’s trying hard

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It’s funny but probably also quite sad. I hope he gets past it, I’m sure he’ll find someone better.

The is ainโ€™t funny. I respect that grind. Weโ€™ve all been there. Good for him for having the brains for the post itโ€™s. I feel for bro.

What you gotta do.

Post it til you’re past it!

I have a simple note on my dash that says, โ€œDonโ€™tโ€. Itโ€™s meant to keep me from stopping and picking up fast food. To be honest, it has been working.

Going through this right now. Itโ€™s rough.

Heโ€™s just had all the oxygen sucked out of his life. Not easy.

Change her name in your phone to โ€œDO NOT ANSWERโ€. Helped me quite a few times.

Reality. Hope he can push through. Itโ€™s hard for sure.

He needs Dia Lupa New Rules playing on repeat for the drive.

I’m saving this advice. I think ill need it soon.

Dude. Feel ya bro.
Dont play slow songs, dont make a mix

Been there done that… It works brother. Stay Strong.

I feel that pain. Stay strong brother.

Oooof! Right in the chest! I honestly think we all know this feeling. And if not you’re lucky lol

Damn! Poor guy! I never had to remind myself why!

Man’s trying his best.

Donโ€™t go home. Go to the gym.

Dude, Post-It Notesโ„ข can go, like, anywhere. ๐ŸŸจ Whoa.

Helpful tip here if anyone goes through this. Guided meditation about letting go and positive affirmations help. Also therapy is helpful especially if you have things like fear of abandonment and anxiety attachment type.

This comment thread is wholesome af. Bless all of you pulling for bro ๐Ÿ’–

I can relate

Man, the sequel to Memento took a really weird direction

How do we know itโ€™s a guy?

My brother, donโ€™t go home, now is the time to go to the gym.


Thatโ€™s a good friend right there

That guy’s doing something that, at one point, we should have all done.

“My date has this in his car. Is this a red flag?”

Don’t go home, goto the local library. Support them

Find someone better sweetheart ๐Ÿ’•

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