TCG Pocket Official Update

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The items must be consumed.

The items must be consumed.

The items must be consumed.

For people that have been playing since launch, this is almost pointless without 2 stars right??

I imagine most people are at a point where it mainly the 2 stars and crowns they need to complete their sets.

Not being able to trade 2* at least really makes want to drop the game…

“Trades can be done with cards of the same rarity.” I get it, but I also don’t get it. Why not just expand it so that we can trade all rarity then? We’d still be giving up the same rarity. Lol.

So promos cannot be traded. That actually sucks ass…

Seems fair enough, depending on how much consumables it’s going to cost. Also gives them the wiggle room to run special trade events for the 2 star and above if they want to.

Pretty much exactly what was expected. This keeps the mechanical cards widely accessible, and monetizes the cosmetic cards that whales and dolphins will spend for.

Ok at least I can trade my 7 full art Digletts

No mention to more than two cards needed to trade…

So no trading for full art trainers?

Trash system.

Pretty underwhelming tbh

unfortunate but kind of expected. looks like i will have 3 crown mews forever

Are we assuming that “can be done” means “can ONLY be done”

Items needing to be consumed aside, this is about as I was expecting really

Does this mean trades can *only* be done between friends?

Am I the only one that doesn’t have any actual contacts to trade with? I just have random people as friends to get store tokens from binders. How are people like me supposed to use this feature?

With all of those limitations why no 2 ⭐ too? Moving a card to a bot account will still keep the same amount of rarities in each one (if those are the issues) with people using bots with discord communities with wonder picks the amount of 2 ⭐ are increasing in the people accounts, and encouraging to delete all friends, and this isn’t bad?? Really? The bulk (diamond cards) are easy to obtain as free to play, what is the point of putting some money if you can’t trade? Is a TCG! People care about the rarest not bulk.
It is great for FTP but still…

So extra 3 stars are just dead cards.

What a crock.

A new currency uh ? Disappointing but expected

Only between friends is also disappointing, a wonder trade like mechanic for this would have been great.

Hopefully 2 stars cards and above will come in the future for very old set.

sooo the TRADING card game can’t even support trading? at least make it 2-star for 2-star… we can get them in wonder picks ffs

goodbye to my dreams of collecting all of the 2 star gym leader cards

All the cards i planned to trade can’t be traded due to rarity
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So there’s going to be an item we need to trade AND it’s restricted?

Not great.

Why the NBA salary cap rules? What if I really need a 3 diamond and happen to have a 4 diamond I don’t need?

I understand not being able to trade 3 star and crown rare but man I was really hoping to trade some 2 stars

This sucks

I think it’s reasonable enough to actually force the player to pull packs/do wonder picks to get the really rare cards and you can at least get all the relevant cards to create the decks that you want to use. I’m happy with this as long as the ‘items’ aren’t too hard to obtain

Tbh I didn’t even think you’d be even able to trade EX cards

So no promos then? That fucking blows

I’m more annoyed about the fact that there’s still no release date!!

Ass system

Basically will only be allowed to trade for cards we already have, and I’m ftp.

If it remained like that I’d lose interest, I imagine many others would too.

So basically once I get my second gardevior I’ll have no reason to trade

I’ve spent money on this game, but this kind of kills it for me. I have dupes of high rarity cards I can never use, and now the only thing to do with them is break them down for special shop points?

I realize that’s a whale problem, but I would have loved to trade one of my 8 (eight!) Leaf’s for a second Blue/Blaine/Erika as I want to have two of each.

They made trading completely useless lol. Oh well.

If they have same rarity for same rarity trades, I don’t get why 2* and above can’t be tradeable. This just makes getting duplicates of 2*and above more infuriating. As a f2p player I’m really lucky to get two crown Pikachus but 2nd one is pointless.

What the hell are these comments, how is people so delusional and blinded to think that everyone was going to be able to trade any card without restrictions

This is kinda what I expected. I’m mostly surprised at how you can’t trade with randos (though it’s only implied you can’t as of now afaik) and how it doesn’t mention needing 2 of a card to trade.

As someone who needs to finish collections this looks fine to me so far.

As long as I can trade to get cards I need for my deck, I’m okay.

But needing a consumable item… Really.

Very likely they’ll only open up trading for a set just as a new one is released. So it basically doesn’t even do much at all if that’s the case because how many low rarity cards do you even miss at the end of a set cycle? Not many.

Also sad I can’t trade all my spare 2*’s from wonderpicking

friends only is annoying, I was hoping there would be a system for coordinating trades in-game instead of having to go through Discord

So in the TRADING CARD game, there are restrictions, hoops to jump through, and a currency to be ‘consumed’ in order to TRADE CARDS. -_-

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If anyone is surprised by any of this it’s on you to be honest.

Even as a F2p this still mostly sucks, I’m gonna use it for the 3 cards I need from mythical island and then not touch trading until I’m mostly done with whatever comes next.

This is garbage.

I understand the frustration with not being able to trade 2-star cards, but since many digital TCGs don’t allow trading at all, I’m okay with the current limitations. It’s possible they’ll raise the 1-star cap in a future update—who knows? While this system might not work for every type of player, for those like me who just want access to most cards to build and experiment with decks, it does make things a bit easier.

So they make more money than God for the last 2 months and still want to be greedy and not even let you trade your 2 star duplicates. Fuck off.

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