How Do I Remove This Graphic Design Out Of My Hoodie?

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How Do I Remove This Graphic Design Out Of My Hoodie?
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How Do I Remove This Graphic Design Out Of My Hoodie?

The eternal struggle of the graphic design enthusiast: loving a hoodie with a great design, but hating the fact that it’s now a permanent part of your wardrobe. Whether it’s a faded logo, a tacky slogan, or a garish graphic, removing unwanted designs from clothing can be a daunting task. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to guide you through the process of removing a graphic design from your hoodie.

Before You Start

Before you begin, it’s essential to assess the type of design you’re dealing with. Is it a screen-printed design, a heat-pressed logo, or a digitally printed graphic? The type of design will determine the best removal method. Additionally, consider the material of your hoodie. Is it cotton, polyester, or a blend? This will also impact the removal process.

Method 1: Peeling and Scraping

For screen-printed designs, you can try peeling and scraping the design off. This method is most effective for designs that are relatively new and haven’t had time to set into the fabric.

  1. Soak the hoodie in warm water for about 30 minutes to loosen the ink.
  2. Use a credit card or a similar tool to gently scrape off the design. Start from one edge and work your way across the design.
  3. Continue scraping until the design is removed or significantly faded.

Method 2: Heat Transfer Removal

For heat-pressed logos, you can try using a hair dryer or a heat gun to loosen the adhesive.

  1. Place the hoodie on a flat surface and use a hair dryer or heat gun to apply heat to the design. Move the dryer or gun slowly back and forth to ensure even heat distribution.
  2. Use a credit card or a similar tool to gently scrape off the design. Start from one edge and work your way across the design.
  3. Continue scraping until the design is removed or significantly faded.

Method 3: Solvent-Based Methods

For digitally printed graphics, you may need to use a solvent-based method to remove the ink.

  1. Apply a solvent-based cleaner, such as Goo Gone or WD-40, to the design. Follow the instructions on the cleaner’s label and test a small area first.
  2. Use a cloth or paper towel to gently rub the design. Be careful not to scrub too hard, as this can damage the fabric.
  3. Continue rubbing until the design is removed or significantly faded.

Method 4: Enzyme-Based Methods

For particularly stubborn designs, you can try using an enzyme-based cleaner.

  1. Apply an enzyme-based cleaner, such as OxiClean or Shout, to the design. Follow the instructions on the cleaner’s label and test a small area first.
  2. Use a cloth or paper towel to gently rub the design. Be careful not to scrub too hard, as this can damage the fabric.
  3. Continue rubbing until the design is removed or significantly faded.


Once you’ve removed the design, wash the hoodie in cold water with a mild detergent to remove any remaining residue. Avoid using hot water or harsh detergents, as these can damage the fabric.


Removing a graphic design from a hoodie can be a challenging task, but with the right methods and a bit of patience, you can achieve success. Remember to assess the type of design and the material of your hoodie before attempting removal, and always test a small area first to ensure the method you choose won’t damage the fabric. Happy removing!

I really loved this hoodie but the logo ruins it. I only want the color of the hoodie. Is there anything that I can buy or use to get rid of the logo or graphic design?

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