Manbaby cries because he was exposed as a bloody Noob.

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He’s a filthy casual he doesn’t know what he’s doing filthy filthy pay for Play Casual

Man when he was walking by all that high value stuff I couldn’t believe it and then I went and looked at his stats oh my God what a bum

he’s basically an average incel with too much money

He could have just not pretended to be a highly skilled gamer. Like anything else you need to dedicate a lot of time to get to the top and everyone knows he doesn’t

He has a lot of money so he can do what ever he wants 😅

He’s a successful business man, a CEO of one of the most profitable companies, one of the richest man in modern history, famous around the world, is actually very intelligent, and lives rent free inside the heads of people like you.

Actual losers on the internet who haven’t achieved anything in their life(You): Hahaha, you’re a loser Elon Musk lol.

I don’t even like the guy, but y’all lack of self awareness is fucking crazy lol.

He don’t even know your existence, so stop yapping.

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