I’m glad someone else is pointing out the obvious.

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American corporations have always sought to maximize profits. This is nothing new.

Okay, we get it, “cOrPoRaTiOnS hAvE aLwAyS bEen GrEeDy!!”

No fuckin shit

Which is why they took the first opportunity to use a global supply line issue to boost their prices, even if they weren’t affected (or just straight up lied about the damage caused by bird flu if you’re one of our egg conglomerates), and never bring them down.

You think the fact that greed isn’t new changes ANY of this?

Gobble those corporate nuts more

Or you know… perhaps stop printing money and get your spending in check.

And now with even the threat of tariffs they have an excuse to raise prices even more. They do it because they can and people are still buying crap.

If this bill had any chance of passing, we’d be talking about how Bernie died in his sleep last night, or how he was so depressed that he Epsteined himself.

Inflation is caused by corporate greed… so when inflation is low, is that due to benevolent corporations?

How could AIPAC get away with pouring a record $25 million into two Congressional primaries to defeat Jamaal Bowman and Cori Bush when they spoke out against the Netanyahu genocide in Gaza and demanded a ceasefire? Because they didnโ€™t have to worry about the Black Caucus opposing them. Thanks to generous AIPAC donations, 39 members of the Black Caucus went silent on Palestine and didnโ€™t defend Bowman and Bush. An AIPAC bargain, and itโ€™s all legal, since there are no laws against political bribery in the United States.

Mario needs to break out Luigioni go the can go on a CEO killing spree. Swordfish time

Corporate greed… Yes. That makes sense. After all, what effect could an unprecedented increase in the money supply have to do with inflation? /(eyeball-spraining levels of sarcasm)

I’ll take “legislation that will never pass, but tricks the American public into re electing people for 500$” please.

The stupidity of the bill wants to cap corporations’ profits to their 5 year limits. Ignoring growth of a business.

This is just a puff piece to get re-elected. Waste of time drawing this bill up. Does no one care to criticize time wasters?

Walmart has been floating between 1-4% profit margin for over a fucking decade. The peak was 3.89% in 2011, dipped to 1% in 2018, peaked again in 2020 at 3.6% (covid) and has been around 2.5% since then.

Can someone explain why the net profit of one of the largest food and consumables resellers in the world, in terms of employees, customers, and stores, is not at least double if they’re “price gouging”, when in fact it’s not even close to their covid profit margin?

Can anyone provide empirical evidence of Walmart “price gouging”?

Didn’t this guy get voted out of office tho?

Those greedy companies are why Venezuela is suffering terrible inflation this last decade. Same thing happened to Zimbabwe in the 2000s. It’s all McDonald’s fault dammit!

EDIT: OP is a Russian troll

What about ending government greed? Members of Congress with over $1 million in net worth should have to forgo their salaries.

That would be FORMER congressman Jamaal bowman, actually. And Iโ€™m no fan of corporate greed, but this also seems like deflection from the fact that you guys wrongly forced people to stay home for 2 years while printing a couple trillion dollars of new money and sprinkled it across the economy. Pretty basic economics.

M2 money supply increased by 25% in 4 years. Meaning 1/4 US dollars in existence didn’t exist just 4 years ago, that’s insane.

The result, a direct 23% inflation across all goods and services. Corporate price gouging is a narrative to deflect blame from the party in charge during said inflationary cycle. You’re an idiot if you believe it.

Love Congressman Bowman. We lost a good one when AIPAC ousted him.

AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! Communism! Obama!!! The Federal Reserve!!! The Reptilians!!!! Republicans!!!!! Consent!!!! The Vaccine!!! My Body My Choice!!!! Russia!!!!! China!!!! Trump!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!

Ffs one day
Just once…

Just listen to Bernie and let him pass something or apply something that can or will be useful for 99% of the population and not the top or interested 1%

Just once

This man seems pure and people centred, like Carter was.

I am fedup or your country and decisions and I am not even US citizen

100% of Americans agree that large corporations are greedy and have seen the best growth in the worst of times.

But, only about 60% of Americans do not believe corporations should be taxed or held accountable for gouging their customers.

What kinda black mirror episode are we on?

Yeah Iโ€™m sure Trump and Daddy Musk are gonna get right on this.

I think Elon would veto the โ€œend corporate greed act.โ€

This is really dumb, let American’s vote with their wallets, if you think company X is overcharging for their product just don’t buy their product, don’t involve gov’t here.

Bye Bye Bowman! My vote helped kick you out. LMAO.

The value of the US dollar is shrinking, stop spending like drunken sailors, running up the debt and gaslighting us into thinking itโ€™s not your fault.

It’s called price gouging. The free market will not solve this, unless you think a long horrible slog towards complete collapse is a suitable correction.

I work at Walmart and have taken pictures of products over the last several years. Under trump prices kept going down. Under Biden they went up almost three times what it started in his term. Say what you want about each but the economy wonโ€™t lie

This should be enforced in industries with high barrier to entry or if any one company in the sector has more than 30% market share because it wont be easy for anyone to compete on price without huge investment upfront and consumers wonโ€™t have alternatives.

This is like how broadband, wireless, or utilities are regulated because the government makes sure they donโ€™t price gouge consumers since there arenโ€™t many alternatives for most people. Prices for all three havenโ€™t went up as much as the prices of groceries for example. My electricity rate has gone down actually and broadband has been the same cost for three years. Wireless cost increased by $20/month. Compared to groceries, cars etc. thatโ€™s a much more reasonable outcome.

I was thinking about this the other day because I paid almost $10 for a galloon Tropicana orange juice and I was like โ€œWTH I remember paying less than $5 for the same not too long agoโ€ like why is the price of orange juice so high. Like I understand if thereโ€™s wage inflation but I doubt Tropicana is steadily raising wages for their employees and I also doubt water prices are going up a lot because thatโ€™s a regulated industry.

Ending corporate greed isnโ€™t going to happen until you have a government that isnโ€™t packed with bought and paid for whores to the elite class like we have for decades. The people whoโ€™d sign this legislation arenโ€™t nearly enough to have something pass regardless of administration because BOTH sides of the isle are beholden to corporations over the people.

Ah yes the command economy will save us!

good idea!

You don’t say
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Both inflation and price gouging are real. Covid caused supply shortages and stimulus caused inflation to sky rocket. It was argued that we had to do stimulus to survive covid. The simple fact is that when we add trillions to the money supply out of thin air, it makes the money worth a little less. This is common sense…

Now, some corporations are taking advantage and price gouging. Which has led to politicians seizing the opportunity and trying to blame everything on corporations and wash their hands of the inflation issue they caused. This is how Washington works, and we let them get away with it.

Your dollars are worth more than your tweets. Spend your money wisely and don’t give in when you can.

Not in all cases. Some companies have experienced increases to direct costs, including tariffs. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Wrongโ€ฆ we are experiencing inflation through the devaluation/debasement of our currency by continuing the operation of the printing press

they always want to say elect me and I’ll do this, but when there elected it’s always just slow moving nonsense

Nonsense. Just because the oil industry, real estate, healthcare, and food industries all drove the inflation and just because the oil industry, real estate , healthcare, and food industries all had record profits at the same time doesn’t necessarily mean they are price gouging. It almost certainly does mean exactly that, but it’s possible it doesn’t.

Maybe we need to just start enforcing existing ant- trust, gauging, and competitive laws.

And have actual monopoly enforcement.

31% of you elected Trump and the rest didn’t vote. Live with this, you wanted it.

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