He is gonna be greeted with a frosty reception

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*Looks at Washington forecast in Canadian*

Is… is this a fucking joke? Couldn’t they have come up with a less emasculating reason to hide him because the mostest loved president ever is scared to get shot?

How’s Luigi gonna be able to see anything

They just don’t want to have the disaster they had last time of nobody showing up

This is their Strong Man

Because they knew no one would attend and it’s hurt his ego. Or worse he’ll claim it was crowded when it was t and embarrass everyone around him. Kudos to whoever got him to agree to this, saved an embarrassment.

All of them close together inside at the one location-

Designated survivor, come on down!

Perhaps it’s a sign 😂

He’s a wimp. He’s just embarrassed no one wants to go freeze their ass off to see the demise of our country.

He’ll has frozen over, and is entered the White House to warm up

This way his pathetically low crowd numbers look a little better.

What are the odds he blames Dems for the shitty weather?

Well. Hell has frozen over. Will you look at that.

What a snowflake

Those doggone democrats controlling the weather

There’ll be a lot of swearing, alright.

He made his army of dumb dumbs stand out in the heat until they passed out, why wouldn’t he do the same with the cold? Who cares if they die of hypothermia, it’s a honor to die for America’s first king.

That room is going to stink from his diapers

He’s terrified of a small crowd size. He knows it’s gonna be bad but can’t let on to the public.

Yeah. Weather. That’s why.

Why would anyone expect nice weather the day Hell is scheduled to freeze over?


It’s cuz he’s afraid of being domed by another redditor. What a beta.

Donald Trump swearing in will be from Mar-A-Lago as he can’t possibly leave Florida as it is too cold

The Orlotan inauguration.

Maybe it’s the planet trying to assassinate him with a cold snap! You know what seniors are like for dropping like flies as soon as it’s a tiny bit cold or slightly warmer than normal

I thought snowflakes could only happen in cold weather.

Or is he trying to be less of a target out in the open…

“Yes Son?”
“”Do you ever think a convicted felon can be elected President?”
“Son, I think hell would freeze over first.”

…..and it will still be ‘UGE! Maybe they need to move it to Dumbfukistan so the tRumptards can genuflect accordingly!

“The crowds at my inauguration were the biggest crowds of any inauguration ever. There were more people in the rotunda than there were on Jan 6th, 2020. There were so many people that millions stood out in the cold freezing weather just to be near me.”

What a pussy!

No, it’s because fewer people than before are gonna be there, that’s why he’s making it indoors! Everyone knows that he needs a smaller place so that he doesn’t appear small

Should be fun to watch him lie about the numbers.

I think he’s just old and feeble. He should do what Harrison did and prove how robust he is by walking down to the mall without his coat on. We should be so lucky to witness such a beautiful thing! We’ve never seen anything so beautiful! I hope he’ll do it!

At least his followers already know the way to get in there

I thought he’d be used to frigid weather. What with being married to Melania and all.

A cold day in Hell..

I bet Trumpy is scared and wants it in his bunker

Hell has officially frozen over

But what about the yuge crowds?!?

Cool see you there for a riot!

Not to worry, there will still be plenty of space for those that wish to attend.

Then he will finally be able to sell out a venue.

God said it’ll be a cold day in hell….and it was. 👍🏼

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