I lost my granddad yesterday. Came back from work miserable and took a nap on the couch. Woke-up to my two almost 5-month old kitties cuddled up against the back of my legs. ?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=812f62ac2a20bdb326e296b50df68b438bac715f
Rupert like to shove his whole face into my palm and cuddle my wrist like it’s a stuffed animal. I love him so much and I would commit so many crimes for him.
Training for Olympics while asleep.
21 years old in Feb, he still sleeps on anything new that appears in the house.
Like a person
I lost my granddad yesterday. Came back from work miserable and took a nap on the couch. Woke-up to my two almost 5-month old kitties cuddled up against the back of my legs.
Aquà El Negro Antonio y Melquiades
Rupert like to shove his whole face into my palm and cuddle my wrist like it’s a stuffed animal. I love him so much and I would commit so many crimes for him.
Sleepy Skittles
He’s always been a lap cat 😻
Gomez loves his bag.
S’more in the sun.
Two sleeping kitties
El Negro Antonio y Melquiades
Hims just a baby 🥹
Pearl fast asleep.