True reason for the dual USB-C ports (probably)

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Nah bro top is for trading pokemon via link cable

Ah, the worm light, I remember all my friends having them. Me I would have to rely on the passing street lamps when travelling in the back seat of a car…
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A charging port so it can charge when its on its own stand?
Also convenient when playing handheld in bed, no more cable poking your belly and bent cable.

What about a magnifier light?

it is clearly for infinite charge. connect one USB-C cable to both ports. The charge goes out the top and back in through the bottom. It goes bottom to top in the southern hemisphere tho

Gen Z commenters having no idea what a Gameboy is.

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Considering when the SteamDeck came out everyone hated the USB-C being on top and I heavily preferred it, I think it’s great that you get the option.

Nintendo lawyers be lurking
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Could it be to put a camera like the one that was included in the Invizimals game on the PSP?
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This made me do a big dumb goofy laugh. But FR, Nintendo revealed that second usb type c like:


Luckily, I had an SP back then

Bottom ones for the link cable, duh

A new golden age of console accoutrement begins…

Heres hoping the steam deck 2 follows suit and adds a usb c port to the bottom as well (i hate docking the thing.)

I remember having one of those lights for my Gameboy Color

The Switch had tons of accessories, this will probably elevate the level here.

Can’t wait to slap on the magnifying glass, the booster speakers, the giant buttons and the gamer grips

Who needs OLED when you could mount a magnifying glass and a book light?

Pass-through USB-C HELL YES

No, it is for allowing Daisy Channing multiple switches for multiplier with just one cart….

I was thinking one for a keyboard attachment to go along with the mouse-con functionality.

Can’t wait for the Switch 2 Camera and e-Reader to come out

I wonder if it charges faster with 2 chargers

I doubt it will, but having the option for USB storage would be neat.

You forgot the magnifier with light

I think you’ve missed the point entirely

Two worm lights

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