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Topology(hole science) joke. Socks, by topological standarts, have no holes.

Simple, right?
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I think the loop in the coffee cup handle held me up here the longest. After I remembered that I got it.

I guess someone’s pants don’t have belt loops

Most of my socks definitely compare better to pants or shirts.

Doesn’t a shirt have 4 holes though?

Thats one’s funny

Mathematician Peter here.

Within mathematics there is a field of study know as topology. Topology is the study of geometric objects and their properties as you apply special deformations that don’t open or close holes along with a few other properties. With these conditions you can draw equivalences between certain objects called homeomorphisms. Essentially if two objects are homeomorphic you can mold one into the other using the deformations I mentioned earlier.

A common joke among mathematicians is that a topologist can’t tell the difference between a mug and donut (or a torus to a topologist), since both objects are homeomorphic with each other. A few other commenters have already shared images of this transformation. Similarly each of the multi holed donuts (also known as g-tori) would be homeomorphic with the object listed above them.

Side note: I took a Set based Topology class during my math degree. Single-handedly the hardest class I have even taken.

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I just watched the Vsauce video of this wtffff

So a hole in the ground is not a hole unless there’s an end?

Op, it’s time for you to learn about topology and shape theory. Not from me, of course. We don’t have that kind of time.

This is the number of holes in each of these objects.

The shirt must mean a T shirt, a traditional shirt with buttons would only have two holes.

Edit: the cup of coffee must be specifically in a mug with a handle, not a to-go cup or anything like that

Somehow this sub is half the worst memes I’ve ever seen and half the best memes I’ve ever seen. And this, I really like this.

If you find this confusing just wait till you have a Klein bottle explained to you.

Okay, now do a Klein bottle!

The coffee mug has only 1 hole, the handle

The pants have 2 holes, one for each leg

The shirt has 3 holes, two for the arms and 1 for the head

The socks have no holes, they just look like it because they have a cave-like shape.

But if you spread the surface out on a 2D plane, you would find that a sock has no holes. İf it did then it wouldnt cover the entirety of your foot.

The joke is very deep

Wouldn’t the shirt have 4 holes and the pants 3 then by this logic?

Einstein was furious about socks, because THEY GET HOLES, whatever you do!

This may win my coveted “nerdiest post ever award”

Haha, this is pretty clever

I’d like to say I’m smart enough to answer but I’m really not.

So the deepest hole is not even a hole?

ah, a topological joke

Cup of coffee could also be “you.”

That is all.

Mmm I do love my hot coffee served in a TORIS.

Now do…a knit sweater…

I thought this was the location of the poop stains after drinking coffee.


Honestly read shirt as skirt and didn’t question it, but it did make the joke harder to understand

So topology is just the study of holes?

Update: in that case you know, I’m somewhat of a topologist myself

Cup of coffee has handle for fingers to go through. Pants have 2 holes for the legs to go through. Shirts have 3 holes for the arms and head to go through. Socks have no holes to go through. They are close ended.

Socks are inside out?

Those clearly aren’t my socks. Mine are quite pious.

I like how it puts “cup of coffee” first, which is correct because coffee does take priority over pants.

So… Topologically, humans and mugs are the same?

We are a flesh doughnut with murderous intentions?

I’m so proud I got this immediately. Around 60 years ago my mom bought me some of the Time Life books and one of them dealt with math which had a section on topology. Tho because I’m old I was initially confused by the shirt. Guys didn’t wear polos and hoodies back then so every shirt was 2 holes rather than 3 (button ups)

my socks are built different

I maintain a straw I my has one hole.

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