Obama’s 2009 Inauguration (Left) Compared to Trump’s 2016 Inauguration (Right)

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I’m in that photo on the left somewhere! I can’t believe that was 16 years ago…..

If only dems turned out to vote like this.

The real reason why he wanted this one moved indoors. No excuse for a humiliating small crowd size again.

Looks can be deceiving lol


This is why he moved it indoors. He doesn’t want to deal with this visual again.

Going to be even fewer Monday.

Crowd size is generally irrelevant.

What matters is all the lazy couch potato American citizens who couldn’t be bothered to get off their fat asses and vote against the clown.

but trumpet won and is commander in chief. was funny the first time but now I’m actually worried

i just realized this must be the real reason trump’s moving 2024 indoors

Lol. This shit again? Didn’t Reddit post this shit about how Trump had empty rallies and Harris was gonna win in a landslide.


Folks, this echo chamber jerking off is the reason so many are disappointed. Reddit is not a real place and the images that are shared in this sub many times don’t reflect what is actually going on. Don’t waste your time using random pictures to make a conclusion about the state of the world, particularly ones from this sub.

And this is the reason he moved it inside.

Who gives a fuck about this fr

To be fair, DC is an overwhelmingly Democrat city.

The anonymity of the voting booth allows the majority of american moderates to descend to their base/self serving interests and cast their vote for this racist, sexist narcissistic but they won’t show their faces in public.

The pic on the right is the real reason it’s being moved indoors this time.

And with his ego hurt Trump then gave the worst post inauguration speech in US history. He could have taken the to the stand and inspired the nation with assurances of a better days ahead but instead he said “the media are saying Obama had a bigger crowd but I actually had a bigger crowd, I could see them but they showed an early photo to make it look like a smaller crowd but it was a bigger crowd. Much bigger.”

I’m not gonna ignore the hypocrisy of calling out crowd sizes here

Are we really gonna do this again? It’s pretty clear that it doesn’t matter. Just look at all the stadium filled Kamala rallies and that didn’t mean shit in the end..

We get it. 

You know the Pic on the right was during the early hours before the event? This has been debunked many times, the internet is so dumb that people with hate believe what they want instead of truth.

What you could say though, is that trump claimed he had the most people attend in history, which is also false, Obama had more, but there was still a lot that attended trumps.

Stop spreading fake news and hate to intentionally divide people.

I didn’t vote for Trump but just stop with lies because you hate the guy.

By the numbers, Trump got a million more votes in 2016 than Bush did in 2004 and twenty years later 8 million more than Obama ever got…

All this picture shows is that DC is a Democrat stronghold, [which it is ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_elections_in_the_District_of_Columbia)

I couldn’t imagine going to an inauguration lol

Look at all that saved carbon!

If only they went and voted

I think he moved the inauguration inside to avoid another comparison like this.

Wow, the crowd for trump is so much bigger! It’s doubleplusgood!


To be fair, the first black president is more exciting than the 45th rich racist one.

This is the real reason it’s inside this time.

Is this why he moved it inside? He’s so thin skinned be can’t stand the embarrassment of not having a packed crowd lol

This is fake news! Trump’s inauguration had the most people ever and was the bigliest and bestest and awesomest and importantest inauguration in the galaxy!

/s obviously

edit: spelling

Do people not get sick of rehashing the same talking points, after 8 years?

now do one for bombs dropped and people murdered in war

He got the popular vote this time.

If you’ve ever been to DC, you know why.

obama was probably the first president to truly destroy people’s trust in the presidency

This must be a mistake. Trump specifically mentioned for some reason that his inauguration had the biggest attendance ever. Why would he lie about something like that? Like he has some kind of connection between his ego and the amount of people who come to his inauguration. Pfft, when you’re the president you have more important things to worry about, which I’m sure President Trump will be investing all of his time in.

And it was cold during both of Obama’s inaugurals. Trump just can’t handle the small crowd size yet again!!

Not to be that person, but Obama had a bigger crowd due to the circumstances for his election. He was the first person of color ever elected to the Presidency in the US. That made his inauguration a trailblazing and history making moment. Trump’s inauguration was celebrating the son of an extremely wealthy person manipulating the poor, which had already been seen in the US multiple times (Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, JFK, Bush, etc)

Can we stop upvoting things that don’t deserve recognition?

Somewhere in that orange turd’s mind, he knows he doesn’t measure up

It was the biggest showing in history…. PERIOD!

Wrong sub op

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