If Rockstar pulls this, I’m out

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yeah, fuck that. I’ll wait for it to inevitably go on sale for below $60. I’m well past the point of needing to play games at launch

I continue to be given more reasons to simply wait years on games and buy them when they go on a massive sale. I’m starting to think that’s going to become my norm. It’s just not going to be worth that price no matter how good it is.

If they do make it cost $100, it will still shatter all previous records. Bet that

There’s plenty of people who’ve spent thousands on shark cards for GTA5 and those are the same people who won’t care that 6 will be $100

You guys realize this is just some random guy saying “what if Rockstar made their game $100?”

You don’t need to get preemptively upset about something that they’ve given us zero indication they’d do.

People we have to make a stand right here. Let’s not give these guys an inch on rocketing these prices up like this. If we all agree to skip this game if the price it above $70 then it wont be an issue again.

dickriders of rockstar who cant see them doing anything wrong will buy it even if its $200.

I won’t even be able to play it until it comes out on PC

How would it help the industry rebound? By one company making bank? Yeah okay sure

If GTA6 ends up being the herald of game prices going past AU$150 when I never even wanted to play it in the first place I’m gonna eat a CEO.

Lmao no it wouldnt. It would only help rockstar

Most of us will just wait out the price drop. And when sells are bad it will drop quick.

I’ll just wait. It’ll drop one day. I’m happy to wait a few years. Not paying $100, that’s for sure.

God, imagine how bad GTA6 Online is gonna be with all of the Research / Data Rockstar has gathered from 5’s Online.

No you aren’t.

making the assumption that raising game prices will help anyone other than publishers hasnt been paying attention

Australians: you guys don’t pay $100 for new games?

And then $100 will be the new normal starting price

Only for them to load the game up with micro transactions. Yeah no thanks.

Everyone still gonna buy it, that’s the sad part

We’re going to pay whatever they want, and you know it.

Nope. To much greed. They have made SO MUCH MONEY from GTA 5, especially the online. And this is the way they think to sell us a new game after they milked the old one for over a decade?

Vote with your wallet don’t let them keep increasing the price of games. When half the time the games aren’t even complete.

I think games should be more expensive. The prices of games is basically the same it was a quarter century ago.

With that said I also think micro transactions should not exist.

What’s wild is they know GTA online will print money for *years*, by the millions.

They could probably release the game for free and still turn a huge profit.

Every year the Video game industry has grown in Revenue without fail.

Sure profitability has taken a hit as large corporations gambled on projects that no one wanted to play.

But as a whole, more people are spending more money on video games then ever before.

Rather than change the behaviour of the customer it’s up to the people making the games to earn those ever increasing dollars.

Everyone knows that price tag is ridiculous. But… we all also know that there will be a bunch of people willing to pay that at launch because “that’s how things are” or “have to get it at launch.” Just like it happens with cellphones, drops for sneakers or other fashion items, etc. We as people have the real power (still) to teach a lesson to every single greedy company, by not buying their stuff, products, services. But a lot of people are not willing to make that effort or sacrifice, and they keep getting away with it and sticking it to us worse and worse every time.

Don’t think of it like that, just think of it as costing as much as 3-4 skins in (insert game) 🙂

/s of course.

As long as physical games exist, publishers can’t completely control the price, they’ll always be undermined by 2nd hand market. They know this thats why they keep trying to push digital only consoles.

“video game industry rebound” what?? Video games have been selling great for the past few years. It’s the fucking ghouls that run the companies doing mass layoffs right after launches so they can give shareholders more money.

me when piracy

Weirdly enough I’d be willing to pay it. After playing red dead redemption 2 I think it’s well worth 100 bucks. Where else would I get 2000 hours of fun for that price. Only rockstar could charge me that tho

I’m not paying any more than £50

If the industry wants to raise the price, it should also reduce the amount of micro transactions in their game. Otherwise it shouldn’t be more then 40

If they do charge that much, it better not have any microtranslations.

Adult gamers (the only ones that could afford this) don’t have the urgency to play a game for 100$

What are they sniffing?

Let’s be fucking real. You guys will still buy it and thank them for the opportunity.

Videogame industry should try to rebound by making good games

You will

GameSpot: “What if $100 games at launch?”

Gamers: “Yar har fiddle dee dee 🏴‍☠️”

Rebound? Didn’t this industry have record profits last year?

How about developers stop releasing unfinished and bug ridden games loaded with micro transactions and dlc that cost nearly as much as the base game. This is how developers will restore gamers’ faith in the gaming industry. Which in turn would result in higher sales.

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