They officially banned TikTok in the US

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thank god finally now all the rich spoiled entitled “influencers” are fucked 🤣🤣🤣👏

I hope it stays banned.

At the end of the day this is a stepping stone towards the totalitarianism of our digital rights and freedom. Not good people, not good not humorous not interesting. Its small yes but that is how it starts, especially in a world more sideways then ever before.


I hope its banned in Europe

‪Didn’t even wait till midnight EST, they really just said fuck it hit’em with that “Early Bird Special” time!‬

Should’ve been banned years ago smh

I feel so badly for the people who make their living off of TikTok. Not necessarily the influencers, but the musicians, small businesses, independent journalists, etc….. And also it’s upsetting that it was a great place to get information that you normally wouldn’t have presented to you. The community wasn’t nearly as toxic/vitriolic as other social media and a lot of people found a real community where they felt welcome, but that’s all gone.

The stats on the economic impact of this ban are genuinely horrific.

Me looking at the comments here:


Fabulous, now let’s ban Instagram and all other social media as well. They also sell your data and are equally toxic and detrimental to your generations mental health (there are studies that prove it)

But will they? Will you guys be ok when all the social media who do all of this get banned?

The hypocrisy I see with people is hilarous. They should have banned ALL OF THEM. Not just one because “ChInA”

Americans are so brain dead I just can’t believe they don’t realize that Tik Tok isn’t the source of the problem, it’s the whole way these things are designed that has ruined people. All of these apps should go, not just Tik Tok. And by the way, I guarantee that a large part of the ban is tied to not being able to let a certain select group of individuals get away to be choosy with their censorship, not just the data privacy.

“He will work”? He not gonna bother with it

It feels like a bunch of unintended consequences are forthcoming.

I going to miss watching wars, natural disasters , inmates doing illegal things in prisons , bad people doing bad things , good people doing good things, funny people that can’t dance , easy cooking ideas , the Legendary Damon Darling and all that other random brain rotting media that I can’t find anywhere else 😭

At least we still have The Reddit 🥹

No one is weirded out by the wording of that statement? How it thanks Trump by name? That feels strange to me. I don’t use tik Tok, but I don’t like the trend of bi partisan banishment like that. Was it proven that tik tok was some kind national security threat?

A shameful day for the US. They’re scared of their own citizens communicating with others around the world in an organised way. Many businesses have been ruined.

I’ve never used it, but idk why people are celebrating the government having the power to just ignore the litteral highest law of the First Amendment. It’s not the first time eighter.

A huge chunk of the internet is brain rot if you think about it for 2 seconds. Whether you loved tiktok or hated it, it isn’t the point. It’s that the government can take anything away now while saying that they’re doing it for our collective safety.

Since the tiktok ban was passed so easily, it shows that they could have come together to pass an overall data safety bill years ago that would have prevented this from happening in the first place. Them singling out one particular data concern, instead of the whole data issue, is what should worry people.

Comments here are severely disappointing. Whole lot of “I don’t like TikTok so this doesn’t upset me”.

As if this isn’t the perfect example of government overreach that should not have been allowed. Today it’s TikTok, but what will it be tomorrow? What will you say when they eventually come after something you actually like? Will you wait until they have impeded on our rights so much that there is no chance of recovery? Is that when you start to whine and say someone should do something about it?

What a fucking joke. TikTok going away is not the real issue here. That’s not what people should be focused on. It’s the precedent that this sets. If you aren’t worried, you’re a fool.

This is sad 😔

I’m just gonna leave this here…

>In 2020, President Trump signed an executive order aimed at banning TikTok due to national security concerns related to its Chinese parent company, ByteDance. The order sought to prohibit transactions with the company unless it divested its U.S. operations, but the ban faced legal challenges and was not fully enforced.

and here’s that EO from the trump white house archive before it disappears…

Trump and his followers are the ones who pushed to have it banned!

What a hypocritical tool he is now that Leon is in position to buy it.

the reddit reaction towards the tiktok ban is unsurprising. missing the point entirely

I used tiktok to learn things, and as an informational highway.

I was getting 100% of my world and local news from tiktok, because I don’t trust news stations on TV to be impartial, nor do I have cable to watch says news programs. It started with watching Fox news lie blatantly to their consumer base, and spiraled from there.

Every protest I’ve gone to last year and the first month of this one(8 and counting), has been organized through tiktok.

Tiktok is what you make it. For some people, it’s a dancing app. For others, it’s how they get their news. For others it’s how they mealprep each week.

Lmao everyone celebrating this in the comments as if reddit is any better

But not guns 🤷🏻

So, what about VPNs? Just curious.

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