Agreed ?

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Should we normalize using the more direct language?

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Just sent this to a mate but underneath i wrote, “Did i ever tell you, your wife’s a lucky girl” lol.

Whenever a girl tells me she has a boyfriend after I ask them out, I tell them “he’s a lucky guy”

I prefer to tell their woman she’s a lucky woman to have a man like that. Bro’s helping bro’s. Apes together strong.


Haha true and my guy just smiles and says..if you only knew how lucky..

Depends on context I guess, I have always seen this phrased used in the context of having a supportive partner not simply “they are hot and you are lucky to hit that every night”.

Usually a complete package couple.

Or you’re just genuinely happy to see your bro find a decent partner.

Maybe he’s lucky because his gf is really funny, or makes great baked goods.

This is correct ✅

Hells to the nope! I said this about a friend’s girlfriend because she had a solid work ethic. He was self employed, aka unemployed.

“if that’s what makes you happy” is a bigger slap to the face though

Flat out had a friend say “hey man no disrespect but your gf looks super hot in that dress”.

I said “thanks I know!” and that was the end of it. 

Or that you already had the pleasure.

If you consider being bangable to be the quality in a woman that makes a man lucky to be with them then yes, that is a nicer way to say as much than to say it bluntly. However, the man you are calling lucky might have a different idea of what qualities would make a man lucky to have in a girlfriend, and would misunderstand what you are trying to convey. Perhaps they might understand you to be complimenting her intelligence. And then, what meaning do your words have? The ones you meant for them to have, or the meaning they made for themselves after they left your lips?

Imo, this goes both ways. Not trying to sound cocky or anything, but I’ve this happen to me as well

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All about respect

Wow. Kinda. We definitely don’t say it unless we mean it. Still just wow.

Or wife.

Nah that’s how I tell a dude I’d bang his girlfriends dad

you’re a lucky man, OP

You’re not a lucky man then means I have already banged your girlfriend and I’m glad I’m not now.

Straight. Up. Facts.

It’s a compliment that is done respectfuly.

no, I’ll bang him!

Nah I tell the girl “You’re a lucky woman”

Even if you don’t say it, you’re still thinking it.

lol I guess so, 😂🤣



I’m going to blow your minds…

Women do this too.

The problem with America is how many people believe this.

Jarvis, karma levels are at an all time low make a post of a random image on r/funnymemes

“I wanna slam dance your wife”

I’ve actually never heard a guy say this about appearance, its always about something the girlfriend did (baking cookies etc).

Or Vice versa

Just figured that out huh?

Richard Harrow in Boardwalk Empire asked his friend how does it feel to have everything? Seems an alternative nicer way to put it

100% correct

Nah. It is just an empty polite gesture.

Be a real man, point to her ass and ask him “You gonna eat that or can I?”

I’d check up on your self-esteem, brother.

I mean, my friend’s relationship is the definition relationship goals. I don’t like his girlfriend, but he is 100% a lucky man for finding her.

One time I was drunk and asked my cousin who that hot blonde was over there

He responded with an indignant “My wife”

I instantly hit him back with “What, I said she was hot!”

Take the W, man. Not like I went up and hit on her.

But what if you are boosting up the homies and tell all the girls you are a lucky lady?

Sometimes I’ve said this and meant it as your girlfriend is a really nice person completely disconnected from looks

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