That‘s when I knew

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I’m something of a motherfucker myself

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His face says Marlboro but his voice says I’m walkin heeyuh

Love the story I just read about him needing a stunt penis for the antichrist shoot bc his real dick was so big people were confused

“Nobody looks like that mf.” I’ve never thought about it, but that is so true.

One of the quotes of all time


I’m surprised to hear he even takes the subway when we all know he can fly as a bat with that vampire head ass

He has a distinctive cock too. Apparently it’s downright confusing.

They did 3 different interviews to have this quote.

One where he knows the guy said it

One where he knows he didn’t

One where he isn’t sure.

Rob Lowest

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Denis Leary begs to differ

I had a friend that looked like him too, we all have doppelgangers.


When I was 14 in the late 90s, my friends and I referred to him as The Viper

He looks like what I assume early humans looked like.

Google the Last Temptation of Christ.

Young Willam is way hotter than you realize.

I swear that’s 90% of the acting talent I see on TV these days, is people with unique or exotic faces.

It’s not a bad face Will! We mean no offense!

Willem Big Dick Dafoe!?

🤣 I mean facts


Vampire Headass

I always said he’s the best looking ugly guy in Hollywood.

He looks like when you fuck around during character creation in a videogame

This is from his podcast with Louis Theroux.

It’s a 7/10 listen for any Dafoe fans.


Also his voice. He always left an impression in movies even when playing a small role.

First off, that’s William Dafriend to you. Second off, there is no second off.

“You must bounce on it crazy style, my child.”

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