Typical trumper L

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Charlie Kuck is at it again

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Again, it quite literally does not matter what he does, they’re going to defend him. They don’t care if they said the opposite one hour ago, they will flip just like that. It’s a cult.

Biden, 2 days ago: I will not enforce the ban.

TikTok: We are being forced to shut down.

Trump, today: I will not enforce the ban.

TikTok: Thank you Donald Trump for keeping us from shutting down.

I swear the moment Biden tried to ban tik tok was the moment when trumpers forgot that Trump tried to ban Tik Tok too

Can’t have competition for user data for meta and x…

What really sucks is this whole thing is going to work. Trump started all this shit and then gets to come in later after it hits the fan and “save the day”. Classic republican move.

Charlie Kirk is what happens when Dunning, Kruger, an American Flag made in China, and a Can of Four Loko decide to keep the post-gangbang OOPS! baby and raise it on a diet of Fox News, lead paint chips, and bathtub gin.

Why do I feel like this is entirely about consolidation of media/arms of propaganda.

2020 trump: tik tok is dangerous, we need to ban it
2025 trump: I saved it, praise me!

And then there’s poor Zuck who thought he could eliminate a competitor by cronying up to a fascist, and now they have the backing of the US government and he’s got nothing but his dick in his hands.

Remember when people used to not like propaganda? Remember when evidence and facts used to matter? All feelings and wants now from Republicans.

This is why Republicans win. They simultaneously stand for everything and nothing at the same time. They just change their opinion based on whatever is happening. Democrats should take note.

I’ve gotten a lot of crap from people on other social media when I remind them that Trump started the whole banning of Tik Tok process during his first term. He is the worst kind of opportunist, create a problem, let is fester for a while, then swoop in claiming that he fixed it and sitting back to bask in the accolades.

Don’t expect consistency from Fascists.

So well trained! Charlie is the goodest boy!


Braindead Kirk

Again it would be fantastic to watch 2016 Trump debate 2025 Trump since they’re two totally different people with different opinions m

I guess when you’re on both sides of every issue it’s easy to claim that you are constantly winning.

I wish that any of this mattered

Trumpers genuinely cannot think for themselves or form their own moralities and beliefs. They need it to be dictated (badoomsh) by their orange leader.

Yet apparently we’re the sheep.

Who are we kidding though. Most Americans are going to buy the idea the orange shit stain “saved” TikTok though.

If you haven’t noticed, this happens a lot, specifically with Trump. He’ll state some position and his followers will vigorously endorse that opinion, and then later when he completely shifts his position, they just as vigorously endorse that opposite position.

So what’s happening? Trump is a malignant narcissist. That means he always needs his version of reality to be true, no matter whether it is consistent with the previous day’s reality. This means the only people that can work for him are people that can constantly appease him by always endorsing his “position du jour”. Anyone that lives in the real world and can’t bring themselves to entertain Donald’s every whim doesn’t last, which is why he had such a high turnover rate during his previous term. Over time, the only people that remain are the ones who are completely shameless about constantly shifting positions. The required level of shamelessness will continue to get worse over time, until only the most absurd apologists remain. This is how a dictator-wannabe like Trump ends up completely surrounded by incompetent yes-men whose loyalty is based solely on fear and greedy self-interest.

When I read Orwell’s 1984, I felt it was an accurate prediction of what could happen if we weren’t careful. The only part of the book I disagreed with was at a rally for the ruling party. They are ranting about one of the other countries, with which they were at war. Someone hands the speaker a note that says war with that country is over and they are now at war with the other country. Without break stride, the speaker extols the virtues of the country he was just ranting about, and visa versa with the other. The crowd ate it up, kept cheering the whole time, and was with the speaker the entire time, even during the flip-flop.

I thought that scene was ridiculous and unrealistic…. until 2016.

Anyone who falls for this exceedingly transparent marketing ploy is legit retarded

I am starting top believe that the US is full of morons

This country is full of fucking idiots.

Charlie Kirk’s face is the Trump’s hands of Charlie Kirk.

It boggles my mind that this guy still thinks he’s iN WiTh ThE yOuThS considering the effect he had on young voters back when kari lake hired him💀

The idiot will change his position if his orange god does

They don’t remember the bad that man does. As for Charlie. He calls trump daddy so…..

Trump is making it easier and cheaper for musk to expand his propaganda machine.

As if Gen Z is now suddenly forgetting all the terrible shit he did and wants to do… You can’t live in TikToks, Trumpaloompa.

Typical maggot scabby scum.

Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia

That’s why the USA-er TikTok users must remember that it’s the government that banned TikTok in the first place..

Donald Trump is the king of digging a hole, re-filling it, and then bragging about his accomplishment. It does work though.

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