Pretty much killed himself.

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LMAO. Isn’t it funny how they all know what Trump is but refuse to look at the facts, while denying they exist?

Ethan: Stop telling the truth about him!

Wait, who is it about?

Here’s a fact: Trump was found legally liable of rape.

Fuck. This is a good one lol


Good lord. That was a massacre.

We literally give them all evidence and they call it fake news

Wait, who was it supposed to be about?

“With no facts”…….oh ffs…..

It could be any billionaire but hey you put all those adjectives in one description you only gonna get one answer. Classic.

It doesn’t help that Trump is most those “ists” minus philanthropist, environmentalist or even-remotely-decent-person-ist.

They all know he is a bad person. But they are in a cult. You just blindly follow in cults.

Tbf they did mention “president” in the tweet

He walked right into it. 😂

He looks like the kind of guy that is going to love paying higher taxes, losing his healthcare, paying more for groceries and having to raise his 14 year old daughter’s child.

Neither felon nor perjurer end in -ist.

Who are they talking about?

What other billionaire has been president?

Omg that’s good, self murder with words.

Also people throw all the “ist” words at trump cause he’s all those things!

Some bullshit gotcha statement implying Elon Musk is actually the president, probably as a coping mechanism for the realization that both Biden and Harris were empty suits.



Who are they referring to?

It is verifiable fact that he is not only those “-ists” but also a narcissist, fascist, and a rapist. All of those could be proven in a court of law, and one already has

Come on its a setup anyway lol who else is she talking about? That’s obviously who she was talking about

What other billionaire was running for president

To play devils advocate, who else could she be referring to?    The description pretty much narrows it to DJT and Musky.  Not that many humans who have existed meet all those qualifications

If it wasn’t about Trump then who was it originally referring to?

Or is it the more likely case: some dumb BS posing as a ‘gotcha!’

Ya this doesn’t fit the sub frfr

So it’s about Kamala Harris then Jodie?

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