The price of Trump just nosedived 40% after Trump retweeted the new “Melania” Token. (This somehow isn’t a joke)

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man these four years are gonna be WILD

That’s why people outside crypto never take crypto seriously

I’ve been trying to put into words why I think this is so strange and yet so inevitable too. You know tokenization is weird, because it’s making money more and more a proxy for anything, even just random sentiments. It’s a perfect reflection of how hollow the concept of value has become. 

What we’re seeing isn’t just the digitization of assets; it’s the commodification of literal meaning. In some ways, it’s the ultimate form of disconnection from reality. 

We’ve reached a point where something can be worth millions purely because it sparks a trend or appeals to a specific crowd, even though it has no tangible use or substance. 

Tokenization is becoming a way to sell us our own projections — it’s so cyberpunk and yet almost like some weird graduated marketing — why sell you a thing when I can just sell you the idea of a thing?

The entire weekend has been both hilarious and terrifying. And it isn’t even inauguration yet.

People are going to fucking hate crypto after this. Getting rugged by the president and first lady is outrageous. I obviously didn’t touch it because I have a brain.

The U.S. has now officially become the movie “Idiocracy,” only it happened 500 years earlier than the movie predicted.

It’s crashing the entire market.

Not surprisingly when you try and take the piss like this.

Seems like a great way to bankrupt your citizens to enhance the power of the oligarchy. America, why, why you do this

This guy is so fucking impatient that he can’t even pump his own meme coin for more than 48 hours. Short term gains, always.

This is batshit crazy…
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He nuked the crypto market ….😂🤣😂😂

The president of the US is scamming people with crypto. What. You guys voted for this clown show.

I feel like this type of shit takes us back years in terms of mass adoption and people being convinced that (some) crypto isn’t a scam.

Nah it’s genuinely impossible to be this pathetic

How long before there are 18 different trump shit coins? Collect them all.

How will this all decrease the price of eggs?


Lol I mean yall elected a literal scammer to the White House what did you expect 😂

You elect a clown, and you get a circus lol

Bruh this can’t be real. He’s using crypto for his own selfishness and greed unbelievable stop fukcing buying this shit

He’s not pro crypto, he’s not pro Bitcoin. He has only ever been and will ever be pro grift.

Gensler is probably laughing like a maniac right now.

You can buy Melania now? Pretty sure Trump already bought her

Imagine crashing a trillion dollar market by posting a plug for your wife. Someone wake me up from the nightmare

Why the fuck everyone dropping their coins for the Melania coin? Man wtf is everyone dumb? Now selling again their alts to chase the next rugpull? Man people….

hes destroying crypto…

Hahahahahahahaha gold! This is GOLD.

He is going to release coins for all family member

This starts to remind me of 2017 when John McAfee started to post his “coin of the day” on social media, which went basically into a huge pump and dump of random useless memecoins

I can’t help but read this as ‘Smelania’

I withdrew everything after trump coin skyrocketed this morning. I have no interest in gambling so I’m out of crypto for a while :/

Theyre just gonna launch meme coins daily arent they?

Cryptobros – “Trump is going to be good for crypto.”

Everyone else – “Trump will not be good for crypto. He doesn’t understand it and he is a grifter.”

Cryptobros – “Look at how bad the Democrats are for crypto. At least trump is talking about it.”

Everyone else – “He is trying to grift for support and money. It’s all fake.”

Cryptobros – “Stop being woke.”

Trump – “buy my new coin!”

Also Trump – makes many many millions.

Also Trump – “buy Melania’s coin!”

Cryptobros – “I wish someone would have told me it was too good to be true.”

what a time to be alive.

I’m so confused at the melania release..

So instead of him paying her directly, this is how he gives her money. All of this is just horrible for crypto.

What are your thoughts on Melania coin? I’m thinking about dumping my life savings into it.

never before have I seen something like this. shit crypto market at its peak. we can’t complain if no one takes this seriously

“ these rubes will buy anything”
“ go ahead, hon it’ll be a blast”

Marty! We have to go back!

Not sure if I should be laughing or be angry…

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