Joe and Jill Biden share one final selfie from the White House.

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Good luck America. You’re going to need it.

Many are going to miss him who never thought they would

It’s so sad…to see what America voted for

They’ll be fine. The rest of us, not so much.

I think I will cry for the next four years.

Thanks Joe, and Godspeed to you and Jill

I voted for him and appreciate many of his accomplishments but I’ll forever be puzzled by some of the worst decisions a president ever made in modern history. From appointing garland to running again in his 80’s…his unwavering supporter for Netanyahu who clearly wanted trump to win at the cost of millions of progressive votes. Ignoring how hard inflation was hitting people (every time he went out and said “America had the greatest economy in the world” I could hear the sound of him losing votes) to him wasting a precious month after his godawful debate performance before dropping out. I’m glad he was president for these 4 years but I’ll always think that whats to come is entirely on Joe. He could have been a shepherd to an entirely new generation of young smart effective democrats to run in the last election. Instead his ego refused to let him realize that he was getting old even when he couldn’t communicate his message with his own mouth. Biden was many things but I fear he wasn’t the man for the moment and our country will pay the price.

Quick take all the sharpies so he can’t sign anything!

It’s like saying goodbye to your parents and getting sent to live with your creepy uncle.

The real party of family values

The last fragment of the Obama era, let’s see who is gonna clean the mess from this next 4 years

God bless them

The adults leaving the White House.

Last Piece of American decency gone. May have not been perfect but he tried.

Yay… now we get to listen to 4 years or more of some dude who rambles about nothing. I miss the elegance of the presidency.

The last legitimately elected American President.

Gonna miss this guy

Never before you could see the border between a good time and thark ages better than today.

Thanks, Joe. As time passes, more people will recognize all the good you did in office.

We will miss ya big dawg. Thanks for putting country first

Hope she left an upper decker for Melania

You had four years to put Chump in jail

Americans are actually insane. Idolizing ANY politicians should be enough for everyone else not to take you seriously.

Smiling selfie. Internet cheering them on after they just pardoned 2 mass murderers. wtf has this world come to

“As democracy is perfected, the office of the president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” -HL Mencken

Going to miss normalcy. 

They so cuteeee

Thanks Joe for the last four years of sanity and normalcy. We are going to miss having a commander in chief with a brain and human decency.

That’s MY President!!!!!

Thanks Biden, at least you tried to change things for the better.

He wasn’t perfect and he made a lot of miss steps. But he was a decent man who I truly believe was trying to do the right thing. And yes, there were some campaign promises. He didn’t keep, but not by no fault of his own.

May god have mercy on us all

I wonder if he knows it

Good man, and good president, whose legacy will unfortunately be allowing Trump to persist.

All the good he did will be wiped away in the next four years, and all history will remember is that he did nothing while the Trump seized the country.

He was such a great guy

Did the best he could but people wanted mediocrity and made sure they’d get it and unfortunately did.



Good riddance.

Good riddance

I might not be an american, but thank you, Joe and Jill Biden.

Doesn’t look that cold

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