Well well well

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Sure, sure, but how about staring at someone from across the street and disappearing when a bus drives past?

Have you tried inviting a friend over and then leaving your front door open so when they get there and walk in you can spin around in a chair and announce that you’ve been expecting them?

*slowly removes glasses and looks upward, mouth agape*

It’s happening right now in D.C.

This only works with flip phones

And cue everyone commenting: “The inauguration of [whichever mayor they hate the most].”

I need to be drinking from a bottle with three Xs on it, take a look at the monstrosity, look back at the bottle, rub my eyes and throw the bottle away in disbelief.

Why do we fantasize about “the end” so much?

I feel like this is a constant throughout humanity; is there a psychological explanation?

If you’re lonely, just close the medicine cabinet, and someone will appear behind you.

Absolute cinema

Same but will never happen to me. I don’t take phone calls

Telling someone ‘stop’ and cos of that, they narrowly avoided getting killed

Like 9/11 ?

It’s called Trumps Inauguration.

you can do that in D.C. today

my dream? to be some sort of monstrosity overtaking manhattan that pauses only to give one random lady a wink and a thumbs up as she hangs up the phone.

Of course but what about disappearing as a bus passes by in front of you?

Nah thats fair

A man can dream

Drive to someone’s house just to ask them a question, then go.

If you accidentally call them, the proper etiquette when you’re done is to hang up without saying good-bye.

any large city or landmark will do, really.

Fastest way to shave is to have an emergency come up when you’re halfway done. The rest wipes off with a towel.

It’s happening in the capitol now

That already happened in September 2001.

ThEy FlY now?


They remove the time stamps from these screenshots because they are from like a decade ago

There is some monster overtaking the white house right now, i know not Manhattan, but you have to take what you get right?

Isn’t this happening in DC today?

idk if you’ve been there recently or at all but you’re too late.

“They forgot my pico de gallo”

-Marshawn Lynch, NYC Street, Brooklyn 99


bruh i’d stay on the phone, give them a play-by-play of godzilla tearing up the place

You could’ve done that in Washington DC today, but they moved it inside.

“Some sort of monstrosity” is the opposite of specific

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