Zuckerberg ogling at Bezo’s tie

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“Tice Nits, ehm, Mr. Bezo”

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Lmao look at these cartoon characters

The brother behind Zuck thinks the tie’s spectacular too.


“I knew I’d live to see the ultra-rich destroy the world, I just didn’t expect them to be such losers.”

I mean, it’s a really nice looking tie

Guy behind is leaning over for some action too, from the look of it.

Wtf is up with Zuckerberg’s new perm? xD

Is that her bra? WTF lol

That woman has all of the money in the world and still such tacky taste.

Massive tits. Not her, just the guys around her.

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If ever there was a day for an asteroid to hit earth…

They fried his circuits, Beaker-lookin mf

Please consider “hoarding” your money. Stop spending your money as much as possible. Delete Meta apps and tiktok from your phone. Don’t go to Walmart, Target, any of these big brands. Shop local. Invest in your community. Trickle down isn’t real so we have to stop giving them any cent we can hold onto.

Stay strong. Fuck all this bullshit.

The weird thing is that she’s not attractive.


This looks like the start to a bad adult video…

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so much evil in one picture

Looking at *cleavage is like* looking at the *sun*. *You* don’t stare at it. It’s too risky. Ya *get a sense of it* and then *you* look away!

If zuck is just having a look, that brother behind him is mentally filming the whole ass trilogy of lord of the rings for the old memory bank

Bezos.wife dressed so cheap and sleazy imo

Billionaires can have hot wives?


Bozos GF looks like a prostitute.

*<in Clippy’s voice:>* Did you mean “oligarching?”

She does appear to have forgotten a layer of clothing, considering the occasion. I maybe wrong but it looks like it’s just a bra and a jacket.

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