As simple as that.

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*”In the end, Soulja Boy was the ho being superman’d the entire time”*

Just call this nigga broke and ruin his whole week

I been banging the drum (personally, not like anyone else would know) for years that mainstream hip-hop is fundamentally hyper-capitalist and no longer was the counter cultural force that it was in the late 80’s and early 90’s. How we shouldn’t care about how much money a hip-hop artist was getting if they’re not grounded in the issues we face and weren’t activating people politically. How the term “hating” became a blanket term for them to get away from accountability.

And here we are. We see now the divide between them and us. They see us as consumers, like any capitalist, yet at any moment will claim they are part of the culture. Whatever that culture is needs to be redefined if it’s so easy for someone to claim yet actually not stand for the people of that culture.


His fans put money in his pocket first.

Bro is pay to play
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Who would’ve guessed that people who made it to the top of their careers did so by prioritizing material gains.

Ethics, morality, and integrity are all a luxury, and they get in the way of being commercially effective.

People need to accept and expect that the people they look up to, for being at the top, are gonna be people who’ve compromised and sold themselves off in order to reach those peaks.

“Obama never put money in my pockets”, yeah probably because you haven’t had a hit since 2009. This is surely crushing to the remaining 43 fans Soulja Boy has left.

This dude is obnoxious


Literal definition of selling out lol

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So he been broke this whole time until now?


Same dude that said shout out to the slave masters cause we’d still be in Africa without them

Confirmation that Soulja Boy’s ancestors stood on the porch of the big house and pointed in the direction of the ancestors that ran for freedom.

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Well yea. They weren’t willing to pay him to perform.

I wonder how much Trump had to pay?

Luigi that ass.

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All money isn’t good money.

That’s what this is, class solidarity. They think that just because they have money and Trump paid them well, that they’re equals. They don’t realize there’s a race war in each level of class.

Jay Z and Beyoncé could be in a room with a guy who’s worth only a hundred million but he’s white, and the white guy will still think he’s superior.

*stares in Eazy-E performing for George Bush*

Rappers grifting for Conservative politicians is a decades old practice. Rappers have been aligned with Capitalist interests for the longest.

I guess I shouldn’t be but I continue to be surprised how so many people refuse to stand for anything important and are so so so so shallow

soulja the first compromised rapper 💯

Moral of the story: Everybody has a price.

Is anyone surprised? Soulja boy has been a one hit wonder sellout for years

The black delegation is glad to put him on waivers

Soulja Boy is constantly mad that it isn’t 2007 anymore and that no one cares who he is.

Minstrel shows and humiliation rituals.

A think a lot of people are just learning how soulless their favorite celebrities are. They are all here for a check, they will perform for Satan. You thought selling your soul means some illuminati shit but it’s really this

Petition to official replace him with Sojaboy from 90 Day Fiancé

Nobody’s put any money in your pockets since 2007 bro. It’s not just a Kamala, Obama thing.

I don’t understand

Do you know that your favorite entertainers have performed for dictators so over the world

If the dictator paid the cost, they’ll perform

I’m poor as sin rn and I still wouldn’t give an iota of support to this admin no matter how much money they offered me. Better to be broke and have an actual consistent moral character than to be rich and not stand with your fellow humans

Black capitalism is still capitalism. It breed this greed where you’re willing to do anything for dollar.
It’s embarrassing

Is this not the definition of selling out ( unless he truly believes Trump is what’s best for himself/ others ) …..

Anyone can live great on the credit card.

His fans “put money” in his pockets, and they can stop, too.

Soulja Boy’s ho’ing.

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