Trump does not place his hand on the Bible while taking the Oath of Office

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“Your honor the oath doesn’t count because my client wasn’t touching the Bible”

Supreme Court: “o shit tru haha, okay we’ll let him get away with breaking it then”

I don’t care either way but imagine this was Kamala how Fox News and Republicans would react

He was being thoughtful.

The burning flames would have detracted from the ceremony.

Now imagine if Kamala had won and not put her hand on the Bible. Would we be seeing the same defense and nonchalance we’re seeing in some of these comments?

Melanie looks like an undertaker.

Also, his mouth is open, so you can tell that he’s lying.

he knows his ass is lying

He already got the vote. He doesn’t need the devout religious support anymore.

Do you think it would matter for him to lie touching a bible or not? I do find it odd just the optics of what he WANTS people to think, though.

There will be no backlash from MAGA or Evangelical crowds; but imagine if this was Biden or Obama, the right would lose their collective mind.

The presidential version of having your fingers crossed behind your back when you make a promise as a kid.

Cause he’s the anti-Christ 

Where are all the Bible thumpers at? Crickets


Can the rest of the world come together and just Simpsons movie dome America? Sorry to those that don’t want him in but should just contain the problem lol.

I used to be a federal employee who would hire and swear people in and there are actually two versions of the oath. The regular one has god stuff and there’s a secular alternative for those who don’t do god stuff.

I’m not sure why he would choose to do the regular one with TWO bibles but not actually place his hand on them. Maybe some type of superstition. Or possibly he thinks that if he doesn’t have his hand on the bible there’s some kind of technical loophole that would allow him to not honor the oath.

In either case it’s a lifetime oath so he’s already done it once and therefore bound to protect the constitution which he very clearly violated on January 6th 2021. There hasn’t been any clearer of an example of a president violating the oath of office than that. Quite literally disrupting a constitutional process rather than protecting it like what the oath is intended to protect.

I don’t think it matters that he didn’t… But can you fucking imagine if Obama didn’t?

Give me a president who takes the oath of office with his hand on the constitution

And Melania is ‘smell the fart acting.’

Is that one of the Bible’s he’s going to be selling online right after the show?

He didn’t want it to catch on 🔥

If her outfit was red she would look like Carmen Sandiego lmao

Why is Carmen Sandiego holding the Bible?

The bible being a part of this is so antiquated.

Is that a villian from Dick Tracy next to him?

It’s nice they all wore black for the death of the United States

At this point he can take a dump in the Bible and religious people would love him even more.

There’s a good reason for that…


Wouldn’t wanna burn his hand on live tv

not required to place hand on bible – I’m no Trump fan but this obsession over nothing should stop. There’s no shortage of valid stuff to critique him on.

I wouldn’t either

The other hand was on a Mein Kamph book instead.

Of course not. If he put his hand on the Bible while swearing an oath that he would faithfully uphold the law and the Constitution of the United States when carrying out the duties of the office, the Bible would either burst into flames or he’d be struck by lightning.

The latter is probably why they moved the ceremony indoors.


The Antichrist cannot touch the Bible.

Melania dressed like the monk from Holy Mountain but in black

He was touching his wallet which is the only thing that matters to him so I guess that’s fine.

Imagine, if you can, the outcry from Faux News and the Republican Party if Joe Biden hadn’t placed his hand on the Bible when he was sworn in.

They would STILL be calling it the greatest insult in American History or something like that.

Well technically its not a must. But seeing how his whole campaign he was hardcore christian. Its weird he isnt doing it

His Holiness Speaker of the House MIke Johnson must have loved this moment.


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