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Fucking pig!


Where are you Nancy Mace and Marjorie butch Greene? Speak the fuck up about this or shut the fuck up about all the shit you scream about

Looks like another cop’s getting a paid vacation…

Not a drag queen…

They would if it were an immigrant, cop of color or a queer person.

It’s Florida. They let their congressmen do it, too. This guy will probably get a slap on the wrist, just like Matt Gaetz.

It’s Florida, and the way things have been going, it may well no longer be illegal for an adult to have sex with a 14 year old.

Can’t expect much from any Murdoch owned media outlet

No, not “had sex”, it’s called rape you POS

I’m sure he has a sign someplace that says something about “Christian Values”

if the New York Post was being consistent it would read “Thug with badge rapes child in cop car”

That newspaper is good for nothing. Been watching them implode for years. This money losing publication will continue to be propped up financially because it is useful for spreading propaganda and misinformation.

We all know what happens to chomos in Florida. Good riddance.

DeSantis will claim this is “left wing media” creating a story.

Deputies confronted Riley Marcus Schwarz, 23, after the girl’s parents found a journal detailing their relationship. The journal indicated that Schwarz had been involved with the girl since September 2018, when she was 14.

The age of consent in Florida begins at birth. Not conception. Increases odds for incels.


This is conservative speak. They love soft words for their horrible crimes.

To protect and serve, so they say.

That’s Florida for you. Florida truly is a piece of shit state. Shitheel of the U.S

He raped her in his personal vehicle. Not really much better but it wasn’t in a squad car.

That’s what the headline says though… I don’t understand where the murder is.

Media will pretty much never use ‘rape’ (or most legal charges) in a headline to describe an act until the sentencing is done. It opens them up to a defamation lawsuit.

Gross a 14 year old is a child NY Post.

Death penalty right that’s what the right is floating around.

Always exactly who you’d expect or to be.

Are we still pearl clucptching and couch fainting over guys that wear dresses, or has that lost its usefulness?

So, eligible for immediate execution, right? As of this morning?

Can we get Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood to perp walk this sexual abuser along with his piece of shit parents?

Not gonna say it in print for fear they will lose their inside sources at the PD – JFC

Is that even illegal for a cop? Should just be a paid vacation offense right?

The most Florida thing I’ve read today.

This dude is just going to move to Miracle Village, Florida

Armed government enforcer rapes child in government vehicle

JFC, why is it so hard. State laws are clear.

It didn’t specify work vehicle.

No no. Everyone knows only dirty immigrants do that!

Whenever a person of colour does something, they write a direct as possible title. When a white person, they write the most soft and beneficial titles.

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