A certain someone right now

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comment image?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4c27529d809535e9cfeeee61e9041a5f780f113

Pretty sure you did.

comment image?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d2ae838626917e128104a80baf7b4987d1e4abe

You inspired me to use my best photoshop skills

Hahahah you beat me to it i was just about to post xD

and he definitely did

Except I’m sure Elon knew exactly what he was doing.

Crazy what ketamine will make a noob do

“Pretty sure you did.”

I can hear the trumpet now


can anyone explain this one to me?



Cringey Fucker thinks he’s funny.

“It’s four Fs!”

Sigh. I hate it here

comment image?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70d8c4844857c32705fa9efb406bf228d31deb2f

I think he did.

Ouch, F in chat bois

Jesus christ i needed this laugh

This should be front page on all the major networks right now.

the meme I needed today

I came here to see this post. Good job sir.

The gang gets a muskrat named Muskolini

Look at me, I can also give a double salute


Frank Reynolds is a dirtbag but not a Nazi

Elon Musk is a Nazi

Some people suggesting not so much in a way that says “Elon didn’t do it” they’re saying he was doing a roman salute but being he’s not very smart or something like that he fucked it up.

Holy fuck that’s a disgrace.

Pretty sure you did.

Funny thing is obama did some of the exact same shit hitler actually did especially with forcing people to pay for the insurance of illegals or be fined. The T51 programme hitler came up with read just like obamacare as well. Also all the bans and extensive surveillance on Americans and govt overreach. None of you said shit. Didnt even care

Chill dude it’s four Fs


Bellamy salute

Yeah because the dems see it how they want to even though it wasnt even a real salute.

comment image?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27b78840614174ad2b606407d64d11f710fa2b18

Oh shut up

Yall realize it was a Roman solute saying he is giving his heart out to the people. Is it just that brain dead or is this a joke? 🤦🏻‍♂️

comment image?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed7cda706056881af60e484d67fcf3b8bcb94edf

comment image?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05f766e4c4721ffd1061504ee2fe157474a55472

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