A woman standing next to a Redwood tree, 1950’s

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Tragic how many thousands and thousands of acres of old growth trees were cut down. Glad we’ve managed to preserve at least some of them.

Looks like a giant sequoia. Not the coast redwoods, which are also incredible.

Fun fact.

The President Tree in Sequoia National Park, California, is one of the oldest and largest sequoias, estimated to be around 3,200 years old.……….

Humans hadn’t even made it to the Iron Age when it sprouted….

I definitely wanna see one in person!

Man, what an incredibly small woman

Damn that one log would be at least 250 mats.

I stood right there! It’s in the Amelia Earhart grove. I bet. ❤️

We are mere specimens in such a vast universe

Imagine how many birdhouse runs you’d get out of that bad boy.

$10 for the first person who spots Bigfoot…

75 years ago! It’s probably even bigger now!

I wonder how many of these majestic giants were used to build the homes just incinerated in the California fires.

Then some asshat cut it down.

A car parked near a Redwood tree

“hmm should do as chrismas tree?”

I’m sure that tree has been cut down

People were smaller back then.

Even 70ft tall argentinosaurus couldn’t snack on these.

Women are so fierce. She is dwarfed by this tree and still looks like shes giving it the business.

oh looks interesting


Am I the only one seeing the smiling tree face?

Wow.. Would love to see this up close and personal..

Recently went with my SO to see the Giant Sequoia in Mariposa Grove and it was one of the most incredible experiences I’ve had. Walking through the forest seeing these giants everywhere, touching the soft sponge like bark, you get a sense of how old and alive everything around you is. Thousands of years these giants have stood doing their thing, really puts our short time earth into perspective. We were in awe for about 3-4 hours straight.

some say she is taller than the tree now.

Might be oil under that bad boy, it’s coming down. Drill baby drill.

Wow people were really short back then.

why do they grow so big?

That’s got to be at least 10-12 mansions worth of tree though, right?

How many toothpicks do you think they could make from that tree? 10? 50? A hundred or more?!

Bye bye trees.

God dam people were small back then

Is that a redwood or sequoia?

That really reminds me of the only redwoods I’ve been to near Santa Cruz. So beautiful.

That’s a sequoia, technically a redwood, but usually called a sequoia, and the coastal redwoods are called redwoods 

To be fair, women were tiny in the 50s (and before) – you’re comparing apples to oranges imo.

Pretty sure I took a picture of my wife next to this very tree from where the car is parked. Just a few months ago. Yosemite National Park

Id love to build a house in that

How in the heck did I ever let him convince me to walk down this hill in my shoes. Hurry up and take your picture Frank. Shirley Madon said there are bears out here and I think I’ve got something in my shoe. I couldn’t run up this hill if my life depended on it. I had clothes in the wash and we drove all the way out here for this? Frank, take the picture for heaven’s sake! It’s really just a tree and surely you can see it all from. That far away. James Woods said a tree like this could make a whole house. I bet that James wouldn’t have his lady out here like this. Frank! Now that James is a good lookin man and he could build me a house anytime he wants too, but nooooo. I’m out here with Frank Spitz. Walking down stupid hills. In the woods. Waiting for him to take a picture while a bear sneaks up on our rearends….Frank hurry up and take your damn picture.

Bro imagine if we still had trees

and Americans chopped it all down to make their houses, both the poor and rich do this.

Even though it’s much cheaper and easier to make houses from bricks and cements, fireproof too.

People are stupid.

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