Elon’s nazi salute

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“We have guns so we can fight against the authoritarian government!”

Well, so much for that.

I wonder what controversial comment came in between

That would be a lot funnier if it wasn’t so on point!

That joke was so dark a cop almost shot it

“if I was alive during the 1940’s in Germany, I would be so angry at the Nazis, i would not sit by and do nothing! How could they?!?”

You would do what you are doing now

It’s too bad the people that really need to read 1984 barely have a 6th grading reading level

… school children, *and “minorities”.

A plus. Give that guy a cookie. 

If you look closer at his lips he’s saying

Hail Hydra!

Last time Americans had the chance to use a gun to kill a tyrant, he pretended to get shot while a fireman took the bullet.

##Brought to you by the NRA.

I always felt thats why they’re so anti choice when it comes to abortion… without children..what will they shoot?

Hey, I liked that comment in real time! I’m so cool. 😎

Also, isn’t the whole point of the electoral college to prevent the stupid people from electing an idiot?

I may be a horrible person… funny and true.

What, only a month and you’ve all forgotten about Luigi?

No that is the meme they sell you so they can sell you guns. When Elon and Bezos start buying up nukes and aa systems even the right wingers will start to realize their pea shooters won’t do much for stopping tyranny

Yeah sadly we went from the country that would go storm other continents to kill Nazis to the country that lovingly elects a Nazi

The logic of “Americans have guns to protect the nation against internal tyranny” doesn’t really hold up in the modern day, imo. Yeah normal people can do assassin stuff, but most of the people crazy enough to attempt that would find a way to do it if they had only two toothpicks and a three ring binder. Even if all the normal people rise up the military is ungodly good at shooting stuff. 2000 hillbillies with guns isn’t gonna do much against tanks.

I feel like some prominent republican is going to get Luigied this year.

The whole thing is conspicuously missing from r/conservative

Yes actually this is a prime example of what the founding fathers would have called activation of a revolutionary society

Too bad it looks like the “2nd amendment exists in case a tyrannical government tries to take away our freedom” -crowd are the ones who voted for the tyrannical government.

Damn, that hit hard


I feel like such a POS for laughing at this.

I’m ☠️

Turns out, the guys that talk about being good guys with guns are the same type of people that complain women won’t date “nice” guys.

This comment section turned darker than a blackout at midnight.

Hot damn, an actual clever comeback. Nice

I hate that this is fairly truthful. I also hate that people delete their posts, especially when they get a good amount of karma (fake points) or when they get destroyed.

You have a fascist government in place now. Only the people can restore democracy. Eventually people, you, will realise that you’re now at war, yeah like for real, and they can either continue just commenting on social media and allow it to continue, or accept their place in the war and fight for what they believe is right.

It was disgusting and Lon needs to get out of our politics

You don’t need guns. Just stop supporting these stupid billionaires who support Trump. Delete Facebook, twitter, and Amazon. Stop spending your money at any place that supports Trump. Otherwise, enjoy watching the shit show continue.

Heil shitler

no because the correct answer is gun are to prevent whats happening right now from happening but the idoits that should be taking up arms are more concerned with gun control.

Hitler seems to be very popular in America, hence the reason why they voted for that dictator again.

Yeah, the point of Americans having guns is actually to kill school children before they’re old enough to dissent, let alone be old enough to actually change these deeply oppressive systems. Can’t have that!

Two beards has nailed the question of the hour! Unfortunately, allusions was bang on with the answer.

Get your shit together USA. Yall voted for this apparently.

The bullets in those guns eventually become too expensive and time consuming. That’s when you start building gas chambers, you know for practical reasons and what not.

The guns are nothing without the will to use them. Are we already out of Luigis?

It’s always ok to punch a nazi but in a country where the right to bear arms is enshrined within the constitution… well you have more options than punching.

Fuck him; I hope he dies soon.

Jan 6 happened and most were unarmed and went home the moment one of them were actually shot.

No, the point of them having guns is bragging about having guns to Europeans

I’m sorry. Do people think Elon musk is a government official?

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