History repeats

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The amount of effort he put into this, looked like he was trying to throw his shoulder out

Whatever happens, let’s just hope he doesn’t get rejected from Art school.

In case anyone else was wondering, I checked and a Tesla supercharger station really isn’t tall enough to suspend someone from their ankles.

What Elon did with that salute was morally reprehensible. But the reaction of the crowd, cheering and hollering when they saw what he had done, not once but twice, to remove all further doubt was even more egregious.

i am subbed to a couple of far right subs just to keep an eye on them and see what insanity they say.

Alot of the memes are this picture put alongside Democrat politicians doing the “same salute”.

These pictures are obviously just taken at unfortunate times and they obviously where not doing the actual salute however if you watch Elon it is undeniable that that was what he was doing.

Before he does this he does the ‘grabbing the heart’ and then the salute. Old Adolph used to ‘grab the heart to show the people hes in his heart’ then do the salute.

Elon doing both of these give no deniability at all. To people who say this was not a Nazi salute are so deep down the rabbit hole they come away watching the same video we all saw but with differnt conclusions.

History repeats itself, has to, no one listens.

Nazi scum.

Why can’t cool history be repeated? Like the moon landing or England winning the World Cup.

America is cooked

Wtf is going on in these comments. It’s like a war has broken out.

Jesus, I can’t get away from this fucking luntic in my feed FFS.

He definitely didn’t hold proper form. He’s testing the waters. Doing *just* enough to be able to deny it if it doesn’t go down well with supporters but if they like it it’ll definitely become normal

We’re going to see just how canny Farage is over the next few months, because associating himself and his ‘party’ with this disgusting piece of work might be the death knell for it.

Time to delete X, Meta and Amazon accounts

Mr. Hitler wanna be, he looks idiot when he did that on live and the face was so crazy mad lmao

Tesla drivers this morning feeling a little bit Volkswagen.

I’ve had this in my head since yesterday and just need to get it out, sorry:

Musk and Trump will somehow abolish free democratic elections but still remain in Power. There will be a new US flag which is a black “X” on a white circle on a red banner. Trump/Musk will start rambling about “living space” and start building more ~~concentration~~ refugee camps where they will intern anyone who speak Spanish. Any latinos in the camps or not, must wear a sombrero at all times.

On September 1st 2029 the US will invade Mexico – in turn Canada and Europe will declare war on the US.

On April 9th 2030 the US will rapidly invade Greenland and Iceland in a plan known as “Operation Weiser exercise”.

On May 10th 2030 the US will invade Canada, it will take them about a month and a half as Canada is really unprepared for what is about to happen.

On October 28th 2030 the Dominican Republic will invade Haiti, however they’ll do really bad and call on Trump/Musk to help them.

With Operation Barbra Streisand on June 22nd 1941, the attack on Russia finally commences, even when Trump pretended to be friends with Putin until then.

This is also the point where it starts going south for the US. Somehow along they way they also have troops in the Andean altiplano, skirmishes will be fought in the Atacama dessert from which they will have to withdraw as Russia gains momentum and starts regaining territory and eventually even invading US territory. At the same time Europe will start an invasion of the US.

Somewhere along the way, South Africa who has made an alliance with the US gets nuked, even though the US has already fallen and Trump has shot himself in the head with a shotgun, in a bunker somewhere under Washington D.C.

After the war, the US will be split in a western and eastern US for the next 40 years or so.

I’m hear the goosesteps in this photo

> Feel’s rather fitting

He says, while posting a meme about an African who lives in the USA modified to look like a German in…a meme subreddit about Great Britain?

Ok, can I update the Musk crash & burn outlook – in a bunker, central WashingtonDC, surrounded by rest of the world’s liberating forces.

Its crazy that all he had to do was lift his palm up

I still don’t understand this, there is no way he actually thought “I’m going to make a nazi salute and it will go down well”..thats an impossible thought process…but the video and picture are there…wtf is happening…

Now that you mention it “Government Efficiency” sounds vague enough to be very nefarious


Anyone else wanna take him off our hands?

He is actualy smart. He did that so that all the press and leftist are focuse on his gesture and not on what is importnat, the excecutive orders signed by Trump. a nice smokescreen.

He is actualy smart. He did that so that all the press and leftist are focuse on his gesture and not on what is importnat, the excecutive orders signed by Trump. a nice smokescreen.

I’m convinced that what I’m about to say isn’t the case, but this gives off heavy ‘edgy teen doing something for a bet in school’ vibes. Believe me, I was bullied by kids who were more than willing to do that same salute around me in Year 11. Like, it’s the kind of thing you would be shamelessly paid to do as some kind of drunken bet.

I’ve never seen the guy as enthusiastic about anything in his life 😂

Looks like a bet he’s got with DJT “see if you can just throw one out on stage and get away with it”

Ban anything this pricks owns in the UK.

From the first of February the United States of America will be renamed X.

Look at the facial expression in the video, look at how big the movement is.

He is a child trying to do something grandiose. Something that in his head is filled with meaning, something that will impress everyone. Poor Elon…

Department of Government Efficiency sounds like something out of the ministry of magic in Harry Potter.

Department of Government Efficiency is right next to the Muggle Worthy Excuse Committee.

Reminder that Hitler was basically what a modern incel with social issues is today. He found a place through hate and bigotry because he couldn’t get along with normal people.

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