The year is 1998… You can only pick two games.

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Metal Gear Solid and Grand Turismo. Those two took most of my play time back then.

Resident evil 2 and metal gear 

RE2 and MGS. Too easy.

Spyro and Gran Turismo

RE2 and Parasite Eve

Crash: Warped and Spyro. 

Tenchu and Gran Turismo.

Vigilante 8 and spyro. I wish I could play Vigilante 8 again. I have the spyro trilogy. Tiny tank is also pretty high up on my list.

Need a multiplayer and a solid single player..

MGS + TEKKEN 3 for me

Spyro and Tomba. I’ve replayed Tomba so many times even in adulthood.

Honestly I’m just happy that Ehrgeiz made the list (Spyro and Ehrgeiz please!)

Tekken 3 and Spyro

Resident evil 2 and metal gear. Easy.

GT n Tekken 3

I forgot about MediEvil. What a time to be alive.

MGS and Parasite Eve!

Tekken 3&Twisted Metal 3

MGS & Tenchu

Spyro and Medevil

I actually did this: GT and Bust-a-Groove

Bloody roar
Parasite eve

Well it would be the same 2 I chose back in 1998….Metal Gear Solid and Crash Bandicoot WARPED!

Where is Xenogears?!

Tenchu and Parasite Eve

I remember renting Apocalypse from Blockbuster on a Friday night and being blown away by the cinema “quality” cut scenes.

Gran Turismo and then I start ranting and raving about why in the flippity floppity floop one of the greatest games of all time regardless of console isn’t on there –


Spyro and MK4

RE2 and MGS

Duke nukem and gran turismo

MGS and Bust a Groove

Cover art used to be sooooo good

I loved road rash playing with my friends. Anyone knew ‘Team Buddies’? That’s our multiplayer game before.

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